Pruning Tips and Color of plant?


I started out 10 bag seeds with my current setup. I was anticipating some males....but they are all female. :clap: ....but now I am running out of room. I really do not want to have to remove some, so what is a good way to prune these so I can keep them all going?

I have also noticed that two of the plants are a bright lime green color compared to the dark rich green of the rest. They are all in the same medium, same nutes, same watering schedule. Is this just genetics or possibly a nute problem? They are the same shade of green all over.

I got a HPS bulb going, so it is a little hard to tell the shade of the plants in the pics. The lime colored plants are closest to the camera on the left and right.

But you can see my lack of space that I am starting to run into.

Crowded2.jpgOdd Color.jpgCrowded.jpg

starins can vary in color and need more of some nutes less of others... idk i'm only a year and a few into this always learning :)

I would at this stang take clones and loss the bottom 30% - 40% of the greenage at the bottom it won't recive much light and it will benefit the upper half and give you bigger buds. Trimming is pretty controversial ummmm a lot of ppls moto is if the plant grew it it wants it but.... lets be honest were manipulating this plant for what we what out of it... exactly what mother nature had in mind but bigger and better :)

also trim big fan leaves covering up future bud spots and new growth. Sometime I only take a portion of the leaf or on finger off and always try to leave as much as you can around those ideas