PS3 fucked me up

anyone else pumped on these mw3 kill streaks????AC130...Stealth bomber....pavelow..chopper gunner that dropps an emergency airdrop
im the best in the world at blackops. anyone can get it. and in fifa i have some buddys that are insane ive seen them beat the number 1 ranked guy in the world twice in a row
im the best in the world at blackops. anyone can get it. and in fifa i have some buddys that are insane ive seen them beat the number 1 ranked guy in the world twice in a row

Black ops Takes no skill. Its to slow so the bad kids feel like they are better, but in reality they are just handicapping the faster guys. Thats why MW2 was much better. it was a much faster pace game with more damage.

the time from when you pull the trigger to when your gun shoots is pathetic & throwing grenade takes to long now & they do less damage & don't go as far
im the best in the world at blackops. anyone can get it. and in fifa i have some buddys that are insane ive seen them beat the number 1 ranked guy in the world twice in a row

i once played the creator of the gane and beat him while i was drunk, and how can you be the best in the world at black ops when i am?
Black ops Takes no skill. Its to slow so the bad kids feel like they are better, but in reality they are just handicapping the faster guys. Thats why MW2 was much better. it was a much faster pace game with more damage.

the time from when you pull the trigger to when your gun shoots is pathetic & throwing grenade takes to long now & they do less damage & don't go as far

i was lucky enough to not waste my money on it
ps3 is the shit. I just found out the other day how to download movies onto it and save them onto the ps3! its like a damn entertainment system and beyond. i have a feeling i know only like 10 % of what the ps3 can do.
i h8 snipers. i really do. but in mw2 i use an lmg with the bar 100 round clip no scope and i can take a sniper out with a few taps of the trigg. they have to use that no scope cheat to get me. in black ops they make the lmg's suck ass. so an ak ext mag and im all set. i never go negative even when my team loses. i have some in my clan that are better than me, but in you standard matchmaking i cant be beat. you need to bring your entire 6 man clan to stop me. think im just talking shit? "PrimalSS KILO on xbl] primal_kilo on psn. send an invite put RIU in the message box. or i wont respond. im on every other day if not at least an hour a day. i fact i think ill play some psn black ops right now. peace
MW2 kill-streaks that killed the enemy also added to your count.

say you got 9 kills for a chopper gunner and you get 16 kill with it then you would get a nuke.