ps3 or mobile uploads?


Well-Known Member
hi iwas just wondering is it possible to upload pictures from your phone or ps3 as they are the only way i have of using this site but which way is also the safest and how would i make sure its safe to upload them. The phone ill be using is a zte racer 2 andriod.
not sure ive never herd of anyone using the playstation, nor do i own a playstation
ok just tried to do that here and it wont work it only lets me create an album it wont let me upload any pic everytime i click upload it doesnt do anything and the phones software is new enough aswel i just dont get it any other advice
without seeing what youre seeing its hard, i know people have successfully posted photos from their mobile ones including myself and i have a samsung galaxe ace which isnt the newest.
well when i just posted my test from my mobile i had to REALLY zoom (by really zoom in i mean upload files was the only thing on my screen) in on the page to click "upload files"
ya my problem is with choosing the files when i click choose file nothing happens it clicks but wont go any further.