Ps3 or x-box


Well-Known Member
0ffline: ps3-more offline options.
Online:360 hands down and ps3 running third(wii)

The ps3 just isn't online user friendly.(getting better, but dam)
I don't trust updating my ps3 after having two refurbs.
every port-over has sucked for ps3...everyone of them!
I never had a problem with my 360, other then it sounds like a jet plane
and I could cook an egg off of it.
but I've read meny of horror storys, so more then likely I lucked out.

This next gen has sucked!!!!
it's become about taking three good ideas and making four games out of that.
and what's up with the add ons? here I thought I bought a full game for $60.In fact I really only bought 3/4 of a half ass game and will be sold the other 1/3 later on. top it all off, all these games after bata are still fulled with glitches. Take away how awesome they look(and they do) this gem as total sucked and is half assed.
lol remember when ps3 was going to destroy both box and pc?'s not even in the same league as pc.


Well-Known Member
well, 3 revisions later and microsoft still hasnt added high def dvd support.

im still laughing at the external add on HD-DVD drive microsoft created for the xbox. real product google it. they wanted you to pay at the the time the 400 xbox cost (at that time), then pony up another 150 or something to watch dvds. HAHAHA. they sold like 10 of them to compete with blu-ray, HD-dvd was a flop and so were models 1, 2, and 3 of the xbox

well looks like in 2 years revision 6 of the xbox will put it on par with original release ps3. i think it was release4 or 5 they squeezed in hdmi, but i hear its not a real 1080p, anyway...

it costs more because its physically better. theres a real a hardware difference that makes the value true. a HUGE power difference. xbox is weak on all fronts

i mean the ps3 has 8 processors. you can run linux in 10 minutes, do some parallel processing dna coding on a ps3. its a specialized gaming computer with 8 damn cpus and a sick custom nvidia graphic card.

the xbox is a toy. and no surprise the online demographic is teens and tweens. its a toy.

adults own a ps3. people who can see past marketing own a ps3.

people who like high definition , people who own a 1080p tv, buy a ps3.

people who dont want to pay for online gaming own a ps3. xbox charges for all games online and monitors like a nanny. all online gaming is free on ps3

people with knowledge and understanding of electronics buy a ps3.

15 year olds play on xbox live they get from their mommy. the right choice is ps3. now and in 4 years there original revision will still be better than microsofts 8th.

now if your looking for a space heater though, that xbox will warm your whole house with that giant brick it calls a power supply. yeah the system is about the same size as ps3 on initial looks. but when you factor in that 15 pound ac adapter which is literally bigger by 4 inches and heavier than a real brick, it makes sense, try explaining what a giant 12 by 4 inch gray brick with 15 feet of cord (microsoft knew people would need it 15 feet away to stay cool) is doing in your home theater to the minimalists, sony wins again.

and my god. socom. that is all i need to say. socom on ps3, nothing better in the online shooter department. and its a 3rd person with a hybrid over the shoulder view as well, just a good game, once you play it, youll buy it. and with the 20 dollar bluetooth blows you away with its quality, youll be a sony fanboy.

i just work in a big store that sells all this stuff, takes all the returns on this stuff, and gets to talk with real gamers every day.

ps3 now and in 8 years.


Well-Known Member
well, 3 revisions later and microsoft still hasnt added high def dvd support.

im still laughing at the external add on HD-DVD drive microsoft created for the xbox. real product google it. they wanted you to pay at the the time the 400 xbox cost (at that time), then pony up another 150 or something to watch dvds. HAHAHA. they sold like 10 of them to compete with blu-ray, HD-dvd was a flop and so were models 1, 2, and 3 of the xbox

well looks like in 2 years revision 6 of the xbox will put it on par with original release ps3. i think it was release4 or 5 they squeezed in hdmi, but i hear its not a real 1080p, anyway...

it costs more because its physically better. theres a real a hardware difference that makes the value true. a HUGE power difference. xbox is weak on all fronts

i mean the ps3 has 8 processors. you can run linux in 10 minutes, do some parallel processing dna coding on a ps3. its a specialized gaming computer with 8 damn cpus and a sick custom nvidia graphic card.

the xbox is a toy. and no surprise the online demographic is teens and tweens. its a toy.

adults own a ps3. people who can see past marketing own a ps3.

people who like high definition , people who own a 1080p tv, buy a ps3.

people who dont want to pay for online gaming own a ps3. xbox charges for all games online and monitors like a nanny. all online gaming is free on ps3

people with knowledge and understanding of electronics buy a ps3.

15 year olds play on xbox live they get from their mommy. the right choice is ps3. now and in 4 years there original revision will still be better than microsofts 8th.

now if your looking for a space heater though, that xbox will warm your whole house with that giant brick it calls a power supply. yeah the system is about the same size as ps3 on initial looks. but when you factor in that 15 pound ac adapter which is literally bigger by 4 inches and heavier than a real brick, it makes sense, try explaining what a giant 12 by 4 inch gray brick with 15 feet of cord (microsoft knew people would need it 15 feet away to stay cool) is doing in your home theater to the minimalists, sony wins again.

and my god. socom. that is all i need to say. socom on ps3, nothing better in the online shooter department. and its a 3rd person with a hybrid over the shoulder view as well, just a good game, once you play it, youll buy it. and with the 20 dollar bluetooth blows you away with its quality, youll be a sony fanboy.

i just work in a big store that sells all this stuff, takes all the returns on this stuff, and gets to talk with real gamers every day.

ps3 now and in 8 years.
i just like 2 have fun that's why i still play nintendo, the 360 is fun 4 me, i like the controller, PS3 if u're really into graphics, specifics, and hardware porn

i just need a system 2 play madden on and brag 2 friends after they bow dwn andkiss-asskiss-ass for my mastery in madden lol:mrgreen:


Active Member
baero, that was really well said. the ps3 has far better capabilities... im really getting persuaded to sell my xbox for a ps3 now. the new thing "home" looks really intuitive and once that, along with a few games come out, the ps3 will eventually overtake xbox.

now that i think of it i bought the xbox 360 elite back in november of 2007, i spent $400 (i think unless they have dropped the price). and i have been paying $7 a month now for 12 months, thats $84 extra for live. so on the console alone i've spent $600 (rounding up tax) plus the wireless networking addon. $600! it goes to show that in the end, after a year of use, i would have broke even.


Well-Known Member
but the 360 released a full year before the ps3 came out. there are new 360's comming out with a new chipset, hdmi ports, and it too will have a blue ray player. ... What i'm interested in is the nextgen, will microsoft realease another console again within the peroid before ps3 is outdated?


Well-Known Member
baero, that was really well said. the ps3 has far better capabilities... im really getting persuaded to sell my xbox for a ps3 now. the new thing "home" looks really intuitive and once that, along with a few games come out, the ps3 will eventually overtake xbox.

now that i think of it i bought the xbox 360 elite back in november of 2007, i spent $400 (i think unless they have dropped the price). and i have been paying $7 a month now for 12 months, thats $84 extra for live. so on the console alone i've spent $600 (rounding up tax) plus the wireless networking addon. $600! it goes to show that in the end, after a year of use, i would have broke even.
well, if i were a younger man, i would have said buy a computer and a good graphic card and get all your games for free from isohunt. but today i dont have patience for that myself. pc gaming is constant upgrading, constant settings and hardware manipulation and modification. just a drag when all you want to do is play a fun game. too much work in pc gaming just to play one or two games well. cost isnt issue, its the work involved. just too much work getting games to play good on pc. console gaming is for the stoner gamer for sure. no patience for settings and frame rates. only enough time to put in a disc and pwn the interweb.

the first year ps3 was out i insisted to myself my pc could match it. and for a while i thought it was ok. then 6 months pass and next gen games came out and i saw i needed to once again buy a damn 400 dollar graphic card to play in low resolution defaults. i said fuck that. bought the ps3 and now i want the world to see how sweet she is. high def made easy and fun. thats ps3.

thak god sony future proofed this bitch too. unlike xbox, they havnt had to re release 4 times to compete. havnt had to quick fix add technology like xbox revision 3 and 4. sonys superior from original design, only smaller chips were added for cost effectiveness. unlike microsoft revising system in heartbeat to try and be in same category as ps3. xbox just added hdmi. lol. hahaha. i mean no high def dvd support what the hells it matter if we add hdmi or i guess thats what they thought, or at least they thought till this year. i mean the xbox system is a toy, you dont connect that to a nice $4k tv. you connect a ps3 . itll be at least 5 years before programmers can muster up graphics that demand more hardware power than ps3. thats already happened on xbox, sad.


Well-Known Member
1080p? well if you own a 50' plus you will see a slight difference from 1080i.
where are the 1080p games to go along with my 1080p television?

someone say socom? I did enjoy not having the servers not up for the first week after I bought the socom paper weight. the game isn't anything that hasn't been done 5 years ago.the best part of the game is the mic, what an awesome mic!!
the worse nade toss ever in a shooter!! and whats up with that weapons wheel? bad idea. I had huge hopes for socom to. it's not socom 1-2.
R2 is much better online play, trust me.
I also have my eye on MAG
add me
PSN: X_WartRemover_X
Playing socom, r2, sr2, cod and still get in a little warhawk pwnish from time to time.


Well-Known Member
well, 3 revisions later and microsoft still hasnt added high def dvd support.

im still laughing at the external add on HD-DVD drive microsoft created for the xbox. real product google it. they wanted you to pay at the the time the 400 xbox cost (at that time), then pony up another 150 or something to watch dvds. HAHAHA. they sold like 10 of them to compete with blu-ray, HD-dvd was a flop and so were models 1, 2, and 3 of the xbox

well looks like in 2 years revision 6 of the xbox will put it on par with original release ps3. i think it was release4 or 5 they squeezed in hdmi, but i hear its not a real 1080p, anyway...

it costs more because its physically better. theres a real a hardware difference that makes the value true. a HUGE power difference. xbox is weak on all fronts

i mean the ps3 has 8 processors. you can run linux in 10 minutes, do some parallel processing dna coding on a ps3. its a specialized gaming computer with 8 damn cpus and a sick custom nvidia graphic card.

the xbox is a toy. and no surprise the online demographic is teens and tweens. its a toy.

adults own a ps3. people who can see past marketing own a ps3.

people who like high definition , people who own a 1080p tv, buy a ps3.

people who dont want to pay for online gaming own a ps3. xbox charges for all games online and monitors like a nanny. all online gaming is free on ps3

people with knowledge and understanding of electronics buy a ps3.

15 year olds play on xbox live they get from their mommy. the right choice is ps3. now and in 4 years there original revision will still be better than microsofts 8th.

now if your looking for a space heater though, that xbox will warm your whole house with that giant brick it calls a power supply. yeah the system is about the same size as ps3 on initial looks. but when you factor in that 15 pound ac adapter which is literally bigger by 4 inches and heavier than a real brick, it makes sense, try explaining what a giant 12 by 4 inch gray brick with 15 feet of cord (microsoft knew people would need it 15 feet away to stay cool) is doing in your home theater to the minimalists, sony wins again.

and my god. socom. that is all i need to say. socom on ps3, nothing better in the online shooter department. and its a 3rd person with a hybrid over the shoulder view as well, just a good game, once you play it, youll buy it. and with the 20 dollar bluetooth blows you away with its quality, youll be a sony fanboy.

i just work in a big store that sells all this stuff, takes all the returns on this stuff, and gets to talk with real gamers every day.

ps3 now and in 8 years.
damn bro i bet you can sell the shit outa those ps3s.they come into buy the xbox and you upsell the ps3.after reading that i wanna buy another one hahahahah


Well-Known Member
1080p? well if you own a 50' plus you will see a slight difference from 1080i.
where are the 1080p games to go along with my 1080p television?

someone say socom? I did enjoy not having the servers not up for the first week after I bought the socom paper weight. the game isn't anything that hasn't been done 5 years ago.the best part of the game is the mic, what an awesome mic!!
the worse nade toss ever in a shooter!! and whats up with that weapons wheel? bad idea. I had huge hopes for socom to. it's not socom 1-2.
R2 is much better online play, trust me.
I also have my eye on MAG
add me
PSN: X_WartRemover_X
Playing socom, r2, sr2, cod and still get in a little warhawk pwnish from time to time.
WARHAWK.thats my shit! not alot of people like it but i think its AWESOME. ya man ill have to look you up.sorry to say havent played socom. saints row is the shit. ill have to get socom.everyone talks about it.


Well-Known Member
damn bro i bet you can sell the shit outa those ps3s.they come into buy the xbox and you upsell the ps3.after reading that i wanna buy another one hahahahah
dude, absolutely right. they leave with the superior product. dont get me started on apple computers also. i look customers in the eye, get a little teary eyed sometime even, and say what are you fucking crazy, this windows pc right here. you can buy 4 of these for the cost of that fisher price apple. sure its pretty, like a model, all looks and no substance. and if they trash talk windows i say your talking about you dont like microsoft. whats the first program your going to buy when you buy your apple, fuckin microsoft office. why because its the best, and also because the business world and the rest of the world doesnt care if there computers are pretty and white they need them to work and not cost more than theyre worth. the world works on windows 90+%. so take your 5 percent or whatever you are in terms of OS usage (apple users think there 50% always, tough lesson, your almost on par with free linux close to 7%, apple is pure trash), and take your crappy red ring of death xbox with you and get the fuck outta my store. stop lying to yourself apple trendhogs. now as you can see its not a microsoft issue, its a superior product issue. fuck company margins, which we make more on xbox and apples btw, its about the right product for the people. and windows computers and playstation 3 are the better platforms. tell em bearo420 sent ya


Well-Known Member
dude, absolutely right. they leave with the superior product. dont get me started on apple computers also. i look customers in the eye, get a little teary eyed sometime even, and say what are you fucking crazy, this windows pc right here. you can buy 4 of these for the cost of that fisher price apple. sure its pretty, like a model, all looks and no substance. and if they trash talk windows i say your talking about you dont like microsoft. whats the first program your going to buy when you buy your apple, fuckin microsoft office. why because its the best, and also because the business world and the rest of the world doesnt care if there computers are pretty and white they need them to work and not cost more than theyre worth. the world works on windows 90+%. so take your 5 percent or whatever you are in terms of OS usage (apple users think there 50% always, tough lesson, your almost on par with free linux close to 7%, apple is pure trash), and take your crappy red ring of death xbox with you and get the fuck outta my store. stop lying to yourself apple trendhogs. now as you can see its not a microsoft issue, its a superior product issue. fuck company margins, which we make more on xbox and apples btw, its about the right product for the people. and windows computers and playstation 3 are the better platforms. tell em bearo420 sent ya
hell ya man IM A PC! IM A PC! HAHAHA apple is whack.


Well-Known Member
well, 3 revisions later and microsoft still hasnt added high def dvd support.

im still laughing at the external add on HD-DVD drive microsoft created for the xbox. real product google it. they wanted you to pay at the the time the 400 xbox cost (at that time), then pony up another 150 or something to watch dvds. HAHAHA. they sold like 10 of them to compete with blu-ray, HD-dvd was a flop and so were models 1, 2, and 3 of the xbox

well looks like in 2 years revision 6 of the xbox will put it on par with original release ps3. i think it was release4 or 5 they squeezed in hdmi, but i hear its not a real 1080p, anyway...

it costs more because its physically better. theres a real a hardware difference that makes the value true. a HUGE power difference. xbox is weak on all fronts

i mean the ps3 has 8 processors. you can run linux in 10 minutes, do some parallel processing dna coding on a ps3. its a specialized gaming computer with 8 damn cpus and a sick custom nvidia graphic card.

the xbox is a toy. and no surprise the online demographic is teens and tweens. its a toy.

adults own a ps3. people who can see past marketing own a ps3.

people who like high definition , people who own a 1080p tv, buy a ps3.

people who dont want to pay for online gaming own a ps3. xbox charges for all games online and monitors like a nanny. all online gaming is free on ps3

people with knowledge and understanding of electronics buy a ps3.

15 year olds play on xbox live they get from their mommy. the right choice is ps3. now and in 4 years there original revision will still be better than microsofts 8th.

now if your looking for a space heater though, that xbox will warm your whole house with that giant brick it calls a power supply. yeah the system is about the same size as ps3 on initial looks. but when you factor in that 15 pound ac adapter which is literally bigger by 4 inches and heavier than a real brick, it makes sense, try explaining what a giant 12 by 4 inch gray brick with 15 feet of cord (microsoft knew people would need it 15 feet away to stay cool) is doing in your home theater to the minimalists, sony wins again.

and my god. socom. that is all i need to say. socom on ps3, nothing better in the online shooter department. and its a 3rd person with a hybrid over the shoulder view as well, just a good game, once you play it, youll buy it. and with the 20 dollar bluetooth blows you away with its quality, youll be a sony fanboy.

i just work in a big store that sells all this stuff, takes all the returns on this stuff, and gets to talk with real gamers every day.

ps3 now and in 8 years.
Well said. + rep for you.



Well-Known Member
ive got a 360, but i also plan on buying a PS3 sumtime soon... they both have thier pros & cons... and ive never been a fanboy...