PSA high light after natural sunset


Well-Known Member
More and more research is coming out on how its just terrible for you to be going in the room after natural sunset in ur local area. ur body and brain are taking cues from the light much in the same way the plants will. if the suns gone down and ur brains taken the cue to wrap up the day... a massive blast of photons to the eyes even for a very short time is enough to really screw up a lot of internal stuff... sleep, metabolism. mood.. ect

i really cant stress this enough.. dont do it
More and more research is coming out on how its just terrible for you to be going in the room after natural sunset in ur local area. ur body and brain are taking cues from the light much in the same way the plants will. if the suns gone down and ur brains taken the cue to wrap up the day... a massive blast of photons to the eyes even for a very short time is enough to really screw up a lot of internal stuff... sleep, metabolism. mood.. ect

i really cant stress this enough.. dont do it
I was a federally certified sleep expert for 8 years. Thats not a joke.

Yes we all have a Circadian rhythm. However looking at your light after hours is no worse than looking at your phone, TV, led lighting you have in your home and so on.

Going 30 mins to an hour of low light before bed is the answer btw. Don't look at your phone, don't watch a TV ect...

You really want to help people sleep better? Tell them to put down the video games before bed.

Which btw no one in today's day and age is going to follow.
I was a federally certified sleep expert for 8 years. Thats not a joke.

Yes we all have a Circadian rhythm. However looking at your light after hours is no worse than looking at your phone, TV, led lighting you have in your home and so on.

Going 30 mins to an hour of low light before bed is the answer btw. Don't look at your phone, don't watch a TV ect...

You really want to help people sleep better? Tell them to put down the video games before bed.

Which btw no one in today's day and age is going to follow.

i was jst listening to the huberman podcast. pretty cool if ur into that kind of stuff. he did the whole first month on sleeping. you certianly got me outclasses in this field w ur expeirnce so i default to you. He had a big section of the podcast on sunrise and sunset on setting ur ciacidian and altradfian rythms. similar to the way some people give different light at differnt times to illict a response from plants. like far red in the morning and at night to put the plants to sleep faster. apparently ur eyes and "sesnors? on the top of ur head have the same fgunction. the high degree of red light int he sunrise/ sunset can set the cicadian rythms.. then the body temp cycle thruoutght the day.. and that effects energy levels mood metabolism.

im not as concerned abnout regular light. testing the lights in the room on a lux meter on my phone were at like 100 lux. just walking arounf the grow room ur lux is around 20,000 to 30,000 lux. of something like mid day sun spectrum. thats just an absurd amount of mid day singal light blasting ur system at totally the wrong time.

i just threw it out there as a PSA after listen to the podcast. please.. educate me if im totally off here

completely anecdotal i started looking into sleep cuz i was having trouble with my sleep paterns... i couldnt stay up past like 9pm and i was waking up eveeryday at like 330am... good sleep but id like to go back to the 11-5. and i think the reason is i changed to going in the grow room in the morning this cycle, not in the evening like i use to (for scheudle reasons)... my deduction was that by going into a room w mid day sun at 4am in the morning i was starting the circadian cycle 3 hourts early.. thatd kinda be why im falling asleep 3 hours early ebvery night