psilocybin magic mushroom grower's guide


Active Member
so i been growing bud for awhile and my uncle gave me this book on growing shrooms and i wanted to no if any of you have done this are tips are whatever are you could point me to some cool threads on the subject thanks people


Active Member
any tips on where i can get the supplies also do i have to go out and find spores are can i order them like beans i live in texas so finding shrooms is not a problem but i wanted to do a grow for fun


Active Member
All you need to do is buy spores online..

They arrive in a syringe.

The materials you are going to need.

1. Fish Tank Or Growing Box.

2. A very very VERY clean enviroment.

3. Half pint jars that have been pressure sterilized with growing medium
I used organic brown rice flour with vermiculite, mineral water, Liquid worm castings and Bee pollen.
Anything Fungus likes to thrive on.. Some like Cow Shit.

5. A Grow Light

6. Humidifier

7. Digital Thermometer. With humidity and Hygrometer gauge

8. Tank Heating Pad.

9. Air Pump

And Google Skills. Good luck


Active Member
thanks guys all check out shroomery ,yeah the book could use some updates but one cool thing is there is little notes from previous owners so this thang got around its cool to know how much info gets around


Active Member
As far as GROW LIGHT go's shrooms donot need a high out put light source. You can use a 15 wat bulb. Just use a regular light bulb set on a timer. Whatever you got in your house will work CFL's would be cooler and economical.

Mushrooms dont use the light like a plant. They dont need it to fruit but they do need it to tell them its time to fruit. It triggers pinning.

Ive heard Mushrooms are pretty easy to grow very stealthy. The worst problem ive heard about is contamination. Take every little step to avoid contamination and you will save your self a lot of time and a little money. (mushrooms are so cheap to produce)