psilohuasca + 5meo DMT


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of trying this tonight or tomorrow morning.


Harmala tea
1.75 gram rue + 1.75 gram caapi
Lemon + sugar to taste

Hour wait

Eat 3.5 grams shroom.

Should I add 5meo DMT to it as well?
My two tripping dudes will be joining.

Increase or decrease dose of anything?


Well-Known Member
Would you be smoking the dmt or taking it orally?

I'd definitely say yes to smoking the dmt, i'd say that's usually something to do alone with that kind of combination but hearing your stories i'm sure you'd be absolutely fine with it. Just of course make sure no one's going to be doing any dumb shit while you're on the dmt.

Have heard mixed reports about oral 5meo so unsure about that


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I know you wanna hear the details of this trip. Needless to say I was blown away. 2.5 g shrooms for me. It felt like a whole ounce. But the come up was so extremely gentle. I'm hosting a psilohuasca at my house tonight. Any thoughts as to if I could do it again tonight? I absolutely wanna go that deep again. After I ate the shrooms, I started getting a really really low buzz. For like an hour I could barely feel it. We were watching TV (oldboy, then unsolved murders really awesome while tripping idk why but it was awesome!) I started getting really weird CEV. Like barely there and letters and very organic stuff. 1.5 hours after eating the shrooms I had the blanket over my head trying to get the most of the CEV. I remember thinking is this it? I wish I had more shrooms this isnt...

And no sooner had I thought that....
My body started vibrating really hard and I stuck my arm into the air. I'm brown skinned, I saw my flesh turn white, and turn into little beads and evaporate into the air. I watched the molecules vibrate and KNEW. Just everything. I learned the secret of the universe and why we are here. The shroos co.e from space they colonized this planet to spread the truth and the love. There was so much love it was alien and normal at the SAME time. My cells turned into waves and sheer energy. I evaporated and became isness. Erick and my consciousness just exploded all over the place. He was "sleeping" I could tell he was tripping very hard, he just had a grin on his face you wouldn't believe. Every once in a while he'd say something like oh, wow. I was laughing at some of the dumbest stuff (in a movie we watched a lady cut this guys femoral artery good thriller movie, and she WS so apologetic. I laughed so hard, I am so sorry, I cut your artery, you're going to bleed out in a few moments. I'm sorry!!!) The mental imagery combined with me having evaporated out of physical existence. It was like the shrooms were saying
I'm so sorry! I just opened your consciousness to the all, to the Brahman. I'm sorry!!

I felt my molecules becoming waves. They changed color based on how fast or where they were.
I rearranged the molecules into a plant. I became a bush, a vine, and a spore. The triumvirate combination grew and grew. As I grew I felt my mycelium pushing into the couch making me a part of the physical. I saw the mushroom spores come from space, part of an asteroid traveling through the Oort cloud, I saw myself as a 1000000 year old prehuman encounter this 1000000 year old mushroom vine bush and accelerate at a gentle breakneck speed lol if that's possible! To the presentpresent

@DaSprout @Lotus minded @ttystikk @Mr. Bongwater


Well-Known Member
My buddy said he didn't have shit, I got there and it turned out all I had to do was wash it. I weighed 2.54 something grams twice and put it in the pot. I then grabbed a handful of b. Caapi and threw it in, like 6-7 sticks (approx 4" long) I boiled it, and the b. Caapi reminded me of Asian letters while boiling, I took pics will add later.
Boiled for 20 minutes then simmered for another 10. About 3-4 cups boiled down to 1.5-2 cups. Filtered plant matter. Drank the juice. Weighed 1.555 grams rue twice (the boiled seeds) for me and twice for e. Gave E a couple sticks, I took a couple sticks. We drank the juice and choked down the seeds (wow... Groooooooosssss)
Watched the original old boy, which of course got weirder as we got higher on the harmalas
About an hour later and the third blunt, I looked at e.
Bro. I just got hella fucked up. I'm so stoned I need to lie down. (M)
Mike- you are lying down. (E)
Shit. Ok. Fuck I feel soooo good and soooo high. (M)
Yeah I feel high and I can't smoke weed (e)

Time for shrooms !!! (M,e)

Around an hour after that... I was still getting higher and higher then bam. It hit me harder than when I tripped on 20 grams. I was tripping sooooo hard (hence my posts lol) and loving it. My flesh melted off my bones which melted into the rainbow which melted into love and everything came in and out of existence, when I wanted it to. It was like a brain orgasm x10. I remember saying (probably a dozen times with tears on my face) why didn't anyone tell me this before? This is so beautiful why does no one else know we NEED this someone should have told me earlier

Much love guys I needs a nap

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Ok guys I know you wanna hear the details of this trip. Needless to say I was blown away. 2.5 g shrooms for me. It felt like a whole ounce. But the come up was so extremely gentle. I'm hosting a psilohuasca at my house tonight. Any thoughts as to if I could do it again tonight? I absolutely wanna go that deep again. After I ate the shrooms, I started getting a really really low buzz. For like an hour I could barely feel it. We were watching TV (oldboy, then unsolved murders really awesome while tripping idk why but it was awesome!) I started getting really weird CEV. Like barely there and letters and very organic stuff. 1.5 hours after eating the shrooms I had the blanket over my head trying to get the most of the CEV. I remember thinking is this it? I wish I had more shrooms this isnt...

And no sooner had I thought that....
My body started vibrating really hard and I stuck my arm into the air. I'm brown skinned, I saw my flesh turn white, and turn into little beads and evaporate into the air. I watched the molecules vibrate and KNEW. Just everything. I learned the secret of the universe and why we are here. The shroos co.e from space they colonized this planet to spread the truth and the love. There was so much love it was alien and normal at the SAME time. My cells turned into waves and sheer energy. I evaporated and became isness. Erick and my consciousness just exploded all over the place. He was "sleeping" I could tell he was tripping very hard, he just had a grin on his face you wouldn't believe. Every once in a while he'd say something like oh, wow. I was laughing at some of the dumbest stuff (in a movie we watched a lady cut this guys femoral artery good thriller movie, and she WS so apologetic. I laughed so hard, I am so sorry, I cut your artery, you're going to bleed out in a few moments. I'm sorry!!!) The mental imagery combined with me having evaporated out of physical existence. It was like the shrooms were saying
I'm so sorry! I just opened your consciousness to the all, to the Brahman. I'm sorry!!

I felt my molecules becoming waves. They changed color based on how fast or where they were.
I rearranged the molecules into a plant. I became a bush, a vine, and a spore. The triumvirate combination grew and grew. As I grew I felt my mycelium pushing into the couch making me a part of the physical. I saw the mushroom spores come from space, part of an asteroid traveling through the Oort cloud, I saw myself as a 1000000 year old prehuman encounter this 1000000 year old mushroom vine bush and accelerate at a gentle breakneck speed lol if that's possible! To the presentpresent

@DaSprout @Lotus minded @ttystikk @Mr. Bongwater
My buddy said he didn't have shit, I got there and it turned out all I had to do was wash it. I weighed 2.54 something grams twice and put it in the pot. I then grabbed a handful of b. Caapi and threw it in, like 6-7 sticks (approx 4" long) I boiled it, and the b. Caapi reminded me of Asian letters while boiling, I took pics will add later.
Boiled for 20 minutes then simmered for another 10. About 3-4 cups boiled down to 1.5-2 cups. Filtered plant matter. Drank the juice. Weighed 1.555 grams rue twice (the boiled seeds) for me and twice for e. Gave E a couple sticks, I took a couple sticks. We drank the juice and choked down the seeds (wow... Groooooooosssss)
Watched the original old boy, which of course got weirder as we got higher on the harmalas
About an hour later and the third blunt, I looked at e.
Bro. I just got hella fucked up. I'm so stoned I need to lie down. (M)
Mike- you are lying down. (E)
Shit. Ok. Fuck I feel soooo good and soooo high. (M)
Yeah I feel high and I can't smoke weed (e)

Time for shrooms !!! (M,e)

Around an hour after that... I was still getting higher and higher then bam. It hit me harder than when I tripped on 20 grams. I was tripping sooooo hard (hence my posts lol) and loving it. My flesh melted off my bones which melted into the rainbow which melted into love and everything came in and out of existence, when I wanted it to. It was like a brain orgasm x10. I remember saying (probably a dozen times with tears on my face) why didn't anyone tell me this before? This is so beautiful why does no one else know we NEED this someone should have told me earlier

Much love guys I needs a nap
sounds like hell of a trip man holy shit, I've tripped 5 times and still feel like I've seen hardly anything in the amazing world of psychedelics, but seen enough to know how profound and far it can go. Like i said my first shroom trip which was 2-2.5 g's when i went outside is indescribable in how absolutely amazing i felt about the world around me, and i swear i seen jesus looking at me when i closed my eyes with orange waves behind him or some other godly entity maybe.

maybe i'll push the limits of the psychedelic world one day i'll need some serious experience first though so i can handle it.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
i got a glimpse of how insane it can be on 4.5 - 5 g's of cubes, but cursed with a bad environment and severe nausea which took a severe toll on me in general mentally, this type of thing needs to be tried again with a small group of good friends and made into tea

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
looking into space too with two of my good friends chillin high as fuck on acid and blazed as hell on dank weed, i swear i never felt so unbelievably relaxed and peaceful in my life, the very warm sunny day made it that much better, prob the best day of my life tbh


I'll take an eighth of boomers,
with a strong rip of DMT.

How else will the colorful animals in the ceiling
peer into my soul?