Psychadelibuds Underground Laboratory

u going to have ya hands full with 1 ks dude,i run same head space as u

I always do, with short ceilings... That's what I'm used to, I do lots of tying down and bending. Lots of crawling and getting pissed off lol.

I am pretty experienced growing with low over head environments.
A few more photos of the girls before I head out to the lab in a moment and start changing things around. I have a lot to do.

First and foremost, I need to get those lights setup in there and remove the T5s. I will have 2 blockbuster 6 inch hoods and 2 dominator xxxl 6 inch hoods to get set up.

Then the ballasts will need to be set up as well. I am glad that I left the 2x4 studs in the middle of the room where I originally had planned to separate the area into two rooms. It will make an excellent place for the ballasts to go.

Then I need to clean up the room real well and get everything in place. Run the ducting and clean my filter covers, they are caped in dust. I wish I had went ahead and bought a new filter for this grow but this round I will use what I got. If the odor gets too out of hand then I can purchase a new one.

I can already smell the grow as I'm walking over the hill to the grow op. A grow being Chem dominant, which I have never ran before stinks to high heaven and it hasn't even started flowering yet. I could easily say for a sure fact that this will be the stinkiest indoor run I have ever had in my entire life. I can walk into the room long enough for an inspection which is about 20 minutes periods. The smell sticks on my clothes for a good hour or so and this is without brushing up on the plants.

I also have to board up the window on the outside wall which as of now has a piece of insulation inside of it.

Then when I'm finally finished getting that set up, I will have a day or so to fool around with the little tweaks here and there. I am going to run only 2 lights for now set up on 18/6 or 20/4 with the dimmable ballasts set at full lumens (the whole 1000 watts)...

Still have a couple of days worth of work in the veg room to be done but I'll have it done asap.

If I weren't so damned lazy I would have already had all of this shit done and could have chose a nice day to do it. Its currently 16 degrees outside right now, so wish me luck! My motivation has been zero to none as of lately... Shits gotta go, for real!

On another note, went to check on them 3 or so hours ago and got some new photos... They have grown even more since yesterday and officially I can say they have kicked into high gear. The taller plants you see in the photos are the Gg4 and already she is a stretchy bitch for sure! :joint:

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Once I am done with everything in a few hours, I am going to go ahead give them the high phosphorous foiliar feed with Sea Blast Bloom.

Likely being deficient in P, they are going to love that!
Well I got half of my job done, still need a good 6 hours or so of work to get everything finished up. Took longer than I had thought it would.

I did give the plants a foiliar feeding of sea blast bloom. So hopefully it will do something good for them if they are having any phosphorous deficiencies... I will update on the results.
Well I got half of my job done, still need a good 6 hours or so of work to get everything finished up. Took longer than I had thought it would.

I did give the plants a foiliar feeding of sea blast bloom. So hopefully it will do something good for them if they are having any phosphorous deficiencies... I will update on the results.
Is it just one type of plant having a problem or more than one?
Everything looks pretty healthy and I never recall having any defficencies using AN,
It always worked well for me with no problems of everything I ran with it doing good.
Is it just one type of plant having a problem or more than one?
Everything looks pretty healthy and I never recall having any defficencies using AN,
It always worked well for me with no problems of everything I ran with it doing good.

Specifically it is the 413 Chem and Headbangers showing the most problems at the moment. Coloration is good on them except for the few of those spots I showed.

The only thing getting me is the growth on the 413s and Headbangers seem to be much smaller than the rest of the plants. Smaller leaves, weaker looking growth, slower growth almost stunted looking compared to the others but the thing that really gets me is the color specifically in the leaves look very healthy.
Specifically it is the 413 Chem and Headbangers showing the most problems at the moment. Coloration is good on them except for the few of those spots I showed.

The only thing getting me is the growth on the 413s and Headbangers seem to be much smaller than the rest of the plants. Smaller leaves, weaker looking growth, slower growth almost stunted looking compared to the others but the thing that really gets me is the color specifically in the leaves look very healthy.
The new growth doing ok? Those being sativa heavy strains though should be outgrowing everything else in height.
OCD kicking in, I get weird when plants are not right, I mean really weird about it.
I used to sit and look at plants for hours, .
I might have only a hours work and would look at them and study them for hours.
When something was not right or out of place I would go nuts figuring out what it was.
In international canagraphic magazine they have a diagnosis chart with pictures of what different things going on with a plant look like in the leafs.
They used to have a real good pH chart with up take levels of pH.
But from the chart it looks like a couple of things, one is iron but that doesn't look right, it's a good reference chart ,
Under the title of dirt growing, scroll down and can click on different problems high lighted in color
Well folks I am most definitely convinced now that what I had going on was a phosphorus imbalance/deficiency...

Check out these new photos of how insanely much they grew with that high P foiliar feeding. Also look at the new growth, emerging very green with closer node development. Fuck yeah!

Notice the last couple of photos how the new stems are emerging vibrant green... I can finally say that they are 110% healthy now and can't really get any better than this!

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