Are you currently running a grow, bro? Just curious. I have seen your older photos you have put up and that was some amazing work man. Anything recent?
I grew for years and never took a picture .
I have been doing consultant work the last few years.
I do not grow at this time .
I kind of have a engineering back ground in HVAC and of course electrical work.
I have always been paranoid being a outlaw grower to take pictures and either get caught with them on my phone or have the police snag my computer up and use it as evidence against me.
That is the first place the police run to when you get raided is straight for your computer.
I got raided for ordering beans in Indiana believe it or not.
Customs caught the beans from gypsy Nirvana seeds then sent it to the state police and that's how it happened.
I have done several grows and set ups for other grows over the years.
For the longest time the most I could get was a gram to gram and a half a watt.
Of course I am super anal retentive and competitive I had to learn how these guys are getting 2 and 3 grams a watt.
I met a grower from Colorado I paid him to teach me how to grow 2 -3 grams a watt, we would talk for hours about growing and eventually became good friends. Not many have the dedication and passion for growing I think we do.
I am serious. I almost never left my grows.
Like 16 hours a day frequently . At times 4for hours just watching my girls talking to them. Looking at them. Looking at my set up working on making it better. Everything.
Some of the things I have done and seen over the last few years kind of scares me to still take pictures of it. I am not kidding some of these grows are thousands of plants. Both indoor and out. 4 to 8 lbs each. So I do not take many pictures of them because of the size and amount of weed being grown and also they are other people's grows thanks for the complement coming from you it means something.
It really doesn't take long talking to a growers to figure out what his skill level is or just looking at their buds, you can tell right away kind of how they are growing, what their production is per lamp is and what kind of lighting they are even using.
To get production up is in how you trim and train the plants and use the depth of your lighting
Everyone on here who is growing in scrog set ups are using the width of the canopy and ignores the depth of the canopy.
The depth of the canopy is where you get production from. A 1000 watt will penetrate 3 ft deep into the canopy and everyone on here might get 8 inch's of penetration into the canopy because the canopy is to thick to allow light penetration.
I mention it normally once or so then let the grower do there own thing.