The dreaded two spotted spider more was found on a gg4 back in the corner of my flower room. They were really just localized on that one plant. I seen a couple on the neighboring plant, however the one glue they were on, their was several, some webbing.
I sit two hot shot no pest strips below the plants lastnight before lights off.i have not checked up on the room since but plan on doing so in a few mins. The strips had been opened for about 3 months and stored in mason jars. They lose their efficiency and potency around 4 months. Hopefully my storage idea worked well and kept most of the gas in the jars.
I have done tons of research on Dichlorvos "DDVP" gas and although it is very toxic, it is not carcinogic, cannot be absorbed into the plants and will dissipate/evaporate from the area rather quickly after removed or resealed.
It is also used in food crops and applied in tobacco warehouses, grain storage, etc.
When I return to the room I am going to immediately seal the strips and give it an hour or so to air out and then once it has aired out I will check and see if I recognize any movement of the mites during inspection.
My luck lately has been shit.

Nothing less, nothing more. If the mites are still alive, I am taking a trip to the store immediately and purchasing two new strips and sitting in the room.
My room is ventilated, however during lights off I set the thermostat to 80 degrees and I doubt it kicked on but maybe just once, if any at all, so the gas has had its time to take effect.
In my experience the strips work well. Back when the plants were small and sickly before I flowered them out, some of you may have remembered that I had found a few spider mites on the fan leaves of also another gg4 (thinking it's obvious that they love this strain for whatever reason more so than the others). Well after I had found them I placed one strip in the room overnight, to my return they were all completely lifeless and dead in place. Not had one return in over 2 months. So the stuff has to work although this colony is wayyyyyy larger in numbers, could make a difference...
Anyway, sorry for the rant and my will to talk on, but these mites make me
I think about nothing else but slaying them quickly and harshly. They will pay for what they have done to my girls and for trespassing into the Psychs Laboratory. That was it, the day they played Russian Roulette Kamakazi with one man that will absolutely not deal with their behavior. Fuck yourself, you two-spotted nasty bastards!