Psychadelibuds Underground Laboratory

I used to use HP. But since I get this cheaper and can buy BX locally I just go with it. I actually add much more perlite than HP has in it. It drains super well.
I am definitely gonna be getting some run off on the next watering. I don't see what reason as of right now though, that I would need any runoff in fresh soil?
sometimes that hp needs a good flush to get the lime an peat activated at first,been telling ya they looked a little purple almost like the p is locked up, ya bx-hp pretty much the same as u no just more perlite
Well folks the ladies are looking great and the super cropping is taking effect right after the transplant. I went ahead a couple of days and let loose on the water more, I was under watering. I gave them all a full dose of seaweed juice and they are paying me for it now. They have came a long way.

And all of the GPS gear has now sprouted and up.

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Well folks the ladies are looking great and the super cropping is taking effect right after the transplant. I went ahead a couple of days and let loose on the water more, I was under watering. I gave them all a full dose of seaweed juice and they are paying me for it now. They have came a long way.

And all of the GPS gear has now sprouted and up.

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Looking good :weed:
Looking good :weed:

Thanks... I feel a flip coming on in about a week and a few days. Would let them go longer, but I don't really have a whole lot of head room to work with. Likely will be doing some LST and bit more super cropping along the way. The babies, the seeds will be transfered to veg room which will be done hopefully by time I flip.
I have always super cropped but only in the first two weeks of flower and the pinch you put on them at that time can't be as hard. In veg I put enough force when super cropping to break the stem completely into that is without breaking the outside skin. As you can see, they heal just fine.

In flower, I put enough force just to be able to bend them down a hair. And as far as LST goes I have been using that method for years. During veg and flower.

But yeah you have to be careful super cropping during flower and personally I only do it in first 2 weeks. Very lightly.
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I have always super cropped but only in the first two weeks of flower and the pinch you put on them at that time can't be as hard. In veg I put enough force when super cropping to break the stem completely into that is without breaking the outside skin. As you can see, they heal just fine.

In flower, I put enough force just to be able to bend them down a hair. And as far as LST goes I have been using that method for years. During veg and flower.

But yeah you have to be careful super cropping during flower and personally I only do it in first 2 weeks. Very lightly.
right on man I've done accidental supercropping during flower so I know they do come back and do great but just never done it on purpose
I never transplant this early. But I have to be staying busy doing something when it comes to growing or marijuana, period... Or else I just don't feel right. I will likely go ahead soon and start some plants for this years guerilla grow and also start on plot preparation as well. If I start now I will for sure have some monsters. Last time I started them in feb, not one plant had under a lb and a half on it and this is guerilla style with no supplemental watering or much maintenance.

I usually leave then in those nursery containers for 2 weeks or maybe a little less. These are 6 days old I believe, but they told me they were ready. I just evenly moistened the soil with water and a mixture of Real Growers Recharge has tons of mycorrhizae, powdered molasses, fulvic/ him if acids and amino acids <--- The best microbe supplement you can own, trust me on that. And then topped of with a couple ml of AN b52 and voodoo juice.

They are ready to roll... This is all of the Jelly Pie, Night Rider, Blueberry Cheesecake and Pineapple Chunk.

The Purple Outlaw and Full Moon Fever have a couple or three more days to catch up before being transplanted.

By the way, those seedling may have been 5 or 6 days old but the roots were very dense and robust. Already coming out the bottom of the tray and layered on the bottom.

Oh, and Red, I hope to get the veg room sorted out soon so I can start popping those beans and begin my pheno hunt. I am going to set off three foggers in the room over a period of two weeks to make sure I wipe out any mite or other bitch ass insect that exists, for that matter. Outside area of veg room is infested with brown recluses as well so I hope they all fuckin die! Lol, excuse my language.

Then I will likely run a couple hot shot no pest strips as well and then finally spray the room down with 90% isopropyl alcohol. And then, my friend... In that moment, the hunt shall begin.
I do not know where you are at my friend, it may be to cold out for bugs, but I always spread the dry time released bug killers around the outside foundation around the outside of the grow .
It helps prevent bugs from getting in,
This spring no matter where you are at the bugs get to moving around , they love the warmer temps and elevated moisture levels of spring then come to life causing havock .
Wouldn't it be the same as adding two or three electric heaters to the house??? Since they are around 1200 to 1500 watts a piece?
A watt is estimated at 3.4 btu per watt generated.
A 1000 watt is 3400 btu, each found lamps would be a little over a ton of cooling needed, approx 1.5 tons of cooling per light,
With cold outdoor temperatures you need a head pressure control kit to operate the AC
Speaking of training...

I was sitting in the room tonight singing to them, gently.. I began to feel sadistic out of the blue, right at the moment they started to drift off to a dream. Sporadically.

Then I yelled at them... Started feeling some BDSM emotions coming on strong.

Then, I abused them.

God Dammit.


Made them ache deeply from the roots, to their atypical node.

.....And then that dream, became a nightmare for them.

...... They say us folk from Eastern Ky, ain't right.
I had a cut once of the old Kentucky skunk bud , I wish I still had it, the best weed EVER ,
Damn I miss that taste
It is still around here bro ;) just as pungent and potent as ever before... Glad you got to try it. You in Ky? Tn? In?
I was in Indiana , I will have to hook up with you to get a cut of that plant,
Absolutely the best,
I was reviewing what I wrote and can barely understand myself.
4 1000 watt lamps consume 13600 btu needed to cool 4 lamps.
I live in Michigan now.