Psychoative Properties of Myrrh


Well-Known Member
A friend mine ordered some myrrh x2 extract offline an was telling me of its opiate potentiating effects and wanted me too try it. I wasnt on opiates but I was quite high and it was strange how it worked.. I felt relaxed and happy.. And higher which was strange

Anyways Im ordering x15 extract of it offline monday so hopefully Ill see its full usage. He seems to like the stuff a lot. Its actully good for you too injest too which is strange

What are your guys exeriences with it? Its confusing

I sniffed it that night it burns pretty bad, but you can smoke it too or eat it apparently.. Or rub into skin what have you


Well-Known Member
Oh come one someone has to have tried this lol weird to think about though I was unaware of its benefits.. I did more today though when I woke up and then went to work. the work day was EXTREMELY relaxed. I could socialize better, my senses were working better weirdly.. It seemed like not as much stress was on my eyes(I have semi bad eye sight but never wear anthing, this was reduced), my nose could smell clearer... My intense allergies werent bugging me as bad.. Im gonna start taking this every day before work. Its emmensly beneficial I really do reccomend trying this


Well-Known Member
So the wisemen brought the baby jesus mind altering substances...or is this like the bath salts? they aren't supposed intended to get you high, but it might...


Well-Known Member

lol bathsalts and myrrh... 2 diff types of things i knew you werent compairing but no bathsalts are retardedly relabled stimulants

myrrh is a thorny tree

get it right lol

but nah i havent tried this one yet IAS has some extracts you said you actually got benefit from it?

from the sounds of it taking it in the morning would be a great thing for me and work


Well-Known Member
Yes, the kind Ive been doing is x2 extract. He had a gram and its lasted him like a few days. Plus its like 2 dollars a gram. I just ordered x15 extract for 3.50 a gram.. Its odd though

Apparently frankensense has psychoacive qualities too. theres really not much about it, but its strange how much it really does mellow you out.. Smoking you need no more than a hit or two with the x2 extract, and bump wise, just take like a normal sized cocaine bumb, like I said though it kinda burns