Psychocrack, Strawberry Cheesecake, Blueberry, Strawberry, Chocolate Kush, Icewreck & Bubblegum

Man, I'm not sure if you're accustomed to hydro systems... But we went out and got a 55-gal, 12 site 5 gal ebb & flow, and THAT is a pain in the ass. I'm sure that it will get much better, but from the jump... From transplanting into hydroton, to getting the flood height right.. It's been much more of a headache than we thought. Meanwhile, my coco+perlite mothers are killing it.

Have you thought of having a runoff water catcher under your plants?
Not so they sit in it, but so you can just pull it out and dump it?
I've got a few ebb n flow systems I'm not using anymore if that's something you're interested in. I think I have a total of 54 sits and 3 controllers.
I've got a few ebb n flow systems I'm not using anymore if that's something you're interested in. I think I have a total of 54 sits and 3 controllers.

not trying to hijack this journal.. but any specific reason you switched for E&F to DWC?
Man, I'm not sure if you're accustomed to hydro systems... But we went out and got a 55-gal, 12 site 5 gal ebb & flow, and THAT is a pain in the ass. I'm sure that it will get much better, but from the jump... From transplanting into hydroton, to getting the flood height right.. It's been much more of a headache than we thought. Meanwhile, my coco+perlite mothers are killing it.

Have you thought of having a runoff water catcher under your plants?
Not so they sit in it, but so you can just pull it out and dump it?

Im not familiar with hydro systems at all, it would be a major learning curve for me, and like you said probly a massive fuckin headache! haha. But what I was thinking of doing was something like you mentioned. Im thinking of buying a big plastic tote/tupperware thing, and cutting out holes like a dwc system, but i would just use it to catch my run off water, and then fix a drainage valve to the bottom so every so often I can come in and empty it out without lifting the plants, and then go dump it down a drain or out in the garden. Seems a lot easier than moving 9 or so plants every few days..
and to add to my first reply there, im not accustomed to anything other than soil/coco grows.. so dwc, ebb and flow, all that is chinese to me, ive done a lot of reading but not enuff to want to jump into it yet
not trying to hijack this journal.. but any specific reason you switched for E&F to DWC?

Acctually switched from dwc to ebb. That dwc thread was from 2012 I think. It's a lot easier to run a multi site system with 1 res. Now going to rdwc because the dwc outperformed the ebb but was a pita to run multipe dwc buckets.
Im not familiar with hydro systems at all, it would be a major learning curve for me, and like you said probly a massive fuckin headache! haha. But what I was thinking of doing was something like you mentioned. Im thinking of buying a big plastic tote/tupperware thing, and cutting out holes like a dwc system, but i would just use it to catch my run off water, and then fix a drainage valve to the bottom so every so often I can come in and empty it out without lifting the plants, and then go dump it down a drain or out in the garden. Seems a lot easier than moving 9 or so plants every few days..

Yeah exactly, and it would make it convenient to check your runoff PPM. That's what I've been considering... I grow in a garage with cement floors, so any RO just kinda goes everywhere as of now.

I kinda just jumped into it man... I did my research, but there's only so much you can learn before you just try the shit.. Then again, it's been a struggle for them my past 2 weeks so...
My rookie mistake was transplanting them dry, into unwashed hydroton. They're so stressed right now, it's been 2 weeks an they just started growing normal leaves again, ha. REVIVE works wonders!
It's a mistake that I won't make again, that's for sure.
Seems like the main problem people have with hydro is root rot though.
Keeping ur rez @ 69>/= , with a pump with 1 WATT per GALLON should help avoid that. Just from what I've read...
Acctually switched from dwc to ebb. That dwc thread was from 2012 I think. It's a lot easier to run a multi site system with 1 res. Now going to rdwc because the dwc outperformed the ebb but was a pita to run multipe dwc buckets.

Oh man!
Just out of curiosity, how much did it outperform the ebb?
Oh man!
Just out of curiosity, how much did it outperform the ebb?

It was more of a time performance, I could run less plants in dwc and get the same yeild. Dwc plants grew bigger quicker in veg. I was running a 30 day veg in dwc as to where i had to run a 6 week veg in ebb to get similar sized plants, I had to add more sites to the ebb to cut down on the time. Also my ebb is only 2.5 gal compared to the 5 gal dwc which I don't think caused a factor in the veg time. Plants in dwc would use twice as much water as plants in the ebb.
Heres my continued first attempt at main-lining the strawberry, blueberry, 2 icewrecks. Yesterday they were topped for the 2nd time.
I also started some new seeds - NL5 Haze Mist x3 (greenhouse seeds), Phatt Fruity x3 (barneys) & Super Critical auto (greenhouse) - it will be my first time trying out autos, was never really interested but mis-read the pack at the store and didnt realize till i got home, they said they would exchange it but i said fuck it and tried em out.. Im probly gonna make a seperate journal for those.
& a couple of the clones I thought had died came back to life (patience is a virtue!) Except my label came off and I cant remember which ones they are haha, I'll have to wait for some more growth till I can tell them apart. Should I clip those yellow dying leaves now that they have established roots?IMG_2611.JPG IMG_2613.JPG IMG_2614.JPG IMG_2617.JPG IMG_2620.JPG IMG_2621.JPG IMG_2622.JPG IMG_2623.JPG IMG_2624.JPG
I would trim the completely yellow leaves. If there is green trim the dead spots off. The leaves are gonna die but at least get the last little bit off them while you can. Plants are still small.
yea i wasnt gonna touch the ones with the yellow tips, but i figured the lowest ones could go at this point.
Got some pistils showing on the strawberry cheesecake, chocolate & bubblegum.
One of the icewrecks is growing balls, I removed it from the room. I wanna harvest the pollen tho and try to make my own seeds. Which plant would you suggest I pollinate? Should it be another ice wreck or should I/can I "cross-breed" (if thats the right word?) by taking ice wreck pollen and brushing it on another plant. Im pretty sure that works right?

also, how long could i potentially leave it in with my other plants before it spreads and turns the rest male? could I let it develop a little while longer with the others or is it best that i keep it seperated now?
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I've never bred any seeds. I always toss males when I see them. I'm sure somene will chime in though. You can breed all your strains with this male. I'm pretty sure people will pollinate one nug on a plant carefully. So try them all! Lol just gotta be careful not to pollinate the entire plant lol.
Male ice wreck, can anyone suggest when to cut the balls off to harvest the pollen? There isolated in another room. Can I take certain ones and let the others grow? What do you guys suggest?
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And finally we got the main-lined plants - strawberry, blueberry and 2 ice wreck. Plus one random bag seed from some bomb kush my buddy had.
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Strawberry and blueberry (main-lined) have been topped for the 3rd time. The lil random kush plant kust got topped at the 3rd node, i know its late, but im not trying to have it the same as the others im just mainly experimenting with this technique so if some grow faster/topped earlier its not really a concern to me at this moment. I may not throw them all into flower at the same time anyways.

This is some pics from a few days ago before I topped the 3 plants for the 3rd and 1st time. I'll upload those after. IMG_2882.JPG IMG_2883.JPG IMG_2884.JPG IMG_2885.JPG IMG_2886.JPG IMG_2889.JPG IMG_2890.JPG IMG_2891.JPG
Wait, im dumb.. those are pics of them after being topped for the 3rd time.. lol. Heres a cpl clones bouncing back, the autos i just started (super critical, greenhouse seeds) aswell as more clones, and 2 more strains im trying out, Phatt Fruity from barneys and NL5 Haze Mist from greenhouse. They like a little less than a week now i think.. same with the autosIMG_2873.JPG IMG_2880.JPG IMG_2881.JPG IMG_2888.JPG IMG_2893.JPG IMG_2894.JPG IMG_2895.JPG