Public apology.

What does it say about you guys wanting a mentally unstable chick? :lol: It would be like taking advantage of a paraplegic.

I'm just fucking with you guys..
carry on... :mrgreen:
That she is prolly a bad driver. ...... lol jk brah, I love Asian chicks, well. .. mostly fillipinos.

She is indeed a bad driver. She got a 240 dollar ticket the other day and she curbs all the time and I've reshaped her bumper twice.

She is Laotian, close enough.
<<<See gif.. They look almost identical. :lol:
Funny story, I was waiting for my friend to get off work and we were gonna go smoke out while I gave him a ride home. Well he was cashing out, so he had the door locked and she pulled up trying to go pay for gas and she seen me acting a fool talking to some random dude as we were watching this police officer pull an AR out of the trunk of his cruiser and put it in the front seat. She didn't even need gas, but she stopped to top off and we got to talking you know how it goes, and when she was leaving I told her to come back and see me, the irony is I didn't even work there. She told me where she was about to go meet up with her friends and told me I could come if I wanted. So I scooped up my friend and this other dude and we rode over there. Been together ever since. 6 year in May.