Public apology.

i dont believe your femal considering turtle beach x12's (specifically designed for the xbox 360 only), and are quite clunkly on a female head. so unless you have a giant head, cause i mean my x12s even to the tightest fall off my head instantly.
i could be wrong though ahahah

Nice deductive reasoning….


Would you be shocked if I was really a 324lb smelly Mexican guy? Complete with flesh light flies.



Thanks for adding reputation to this user. May you be lucky enough to receive the same Reputation back in turn.
trolling is acting like an anonymous jackass. It makes you fel good becuase you are controlling the audiences reactions by the deceptive content you post. Control = power = feel good hormones. It's nothing to guilt over at all. If people wanna be lame and take a random internet post to heart then thats their bad.
trolling is acting like an anonymous jackass. It makes you fel good becuase you are controlling the audiences reactions by the deceptive content you post. Control = power = feel good hormones. It's nothing to guilt over at all. If people wanna be lame and take a random internet post to heart then thats their bad.

Did I miss the tit pics or something?