Public education is about to take a big hit !!!

Where does trump stand on schools? I actually don't know, He's been too busy fighting the mainstream media on twitter since the innoguration to talk about it to my knowledge.
Englighten me, what are the views he expressed?

lol idk.
Sounds like a solid "plan". Lol
How can anyone speak of the differences in his and obamas stance on education when trump does not have a solid plan yet?
You are woefully uninformed.

He campaigned and had several speeches on policy PLUS a website that laid it all out.
you make less than poverty. the earned income tax credit is your main tax advantage.

Rentals are taxed a little higher in most places. Some mobile homes I've seen rent for about the same as stickbuilt homes....but the tax values should be pretty different. You still pay PMI on your mortgage so you might want to apply any financial advice you have to yourself and help pay your debt down. You say you make over 50k a year just yourself at your window gig and yet somehow you can't come up with 50k to get your mortgage insurance off. I suppose your meth and crack habit takes most of your income though.
Rentals are taxed a little higher in most places. Some mobile homes I've seen rent for about the same as stickbuilt homes....but the tax values should be pretty different. You still pay PMI on your mortgage so you might want to apply any financial advice you have to yourself and help pay your debt down. You say you make over 50k a year just yourself at your window gig and yet somehow you can't come up with 50k to get your mortgage insurance off. I suppose your meth and crack habit takes most of your income though.

Wow, you just get down right nasty at the end of the month.
You are woefully uninformed.

He campaigned and had several speeches on policy PLUS a website that laid it all out.
His campaign also said he was going to lock Hillary up, ban Muslims, and that Russia didn't hack anything.
How do you choose what to believe and what not to?
I like to read, not watch YouTube "news". Have a link to his education plan? I haven't been able to find anything solid.
You are so much more "informed" than little old me though, so go for it what's his plan?
It won't last the afternoon, they rarely do. ;)

Desert georgie, 60max, panhead, odank, fdd, oddballs, etc.etc....the endless parade of impotent old white 'men' (LOL) that get all wet in the crotch over this place....

this term is under used, but I think it perfectly describes these types

mega smega smegma
Mega smelly dickcheese found underneath the foreskin in most dirty uncircumcized men. Looks like a mixture of athlete's foot, colby jack cheese, and asbestos.
You could smell Johny's mega smega smegma from across the locker room.
#smegman #dickcheese #cheddar bob #supersauce #asbestos
by Jak Hardy April 16, 2007

Yes! Pvt schools should be privately funded - period.
I feel there is plenty of room for abuse, and not much to be gained from the system.
Except that's kind of a false notion though. We are actually talking about vouchers funding public schools that are simply non-government.