Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I lost 20 min of my life because the kid at the front of the Post Office line didn't know how to fill out a change of address form. I can't speak for the other 10 folks in line.

An uneducated public is defenseless against an armed Government.
Schools can help you get the most out of your intelligence or stifle your learning, they don't increase or decrease your intelligence, that's genetics.

You know Albert Einstein was home schooled right? You know his best and most famous work was in the private sector before he went to work in the universities and gov programs right?

You are going to lose all day every day if you try to make the argument our public school system is awesome.
somethings I did not know or understand until school
Schools can help you get the most out of your intelligence or stifle your learning, they don't increase or decrease your intelligence, that's genetics.

You know Albert Einstein was home schooled right? You know his best and most famous work was in the private sector before he went to work in the universities and gov programs right?

You are going to lose all day every day if you try to make the argument our public school system is awesome.

it isn't only genetics, some exercizes for the maturing brain do guide growth, but i generally agree that schooling does not make one sharper. training is not growth.
Actually the poll is to see how many went to public school. The thread with your post tells me how you feel about it.
apology accepted

Actually there was this
I think you have presumed others opinions on the necessity of PUBLIC schools as being supportive of no education at all. I would wager that anyone against PUBLIC schools is not against educating children.
followed by this
ummm the poll has home schooling.

No, I don't believe you had a clue what you were doing when you set up that poll and are trying to save face with this post. The more I see you post, the more I'm against public schools.
Actually there was this

followed by this

No, I don't believe you had a clue what you were doing when you set up that poll and are trying to save face with this post. The more I see you post, the more I'm against public schools.
actually I did. Thank you for your participation
it isn't only genetics, some exercizes for the maturing brain do guide growth, but i generally agree that schooling does not make one sharper. training is not growth.
Yes, you can help kids reach full potential or you can hinder that. It's my impression that public schools do more stifling than helping. "no child left behind" "race to the top" "common core" are all one sized fits all methods. Not everyone is the same size.

Those that are a little behind are pushed through and those that can be a little ahead are held back. But it's fair!
actually I did. Thank you for your participation
Then explain why you pointed out there was a choice for home schooling as your reply to what if we think there is a better option?

Whether or not he was homeschooled could have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Yes, you can help kids reach full potential or you can hinder that. It's my impression that public schools do more stifling than helping. "no child left behind" "race to the top" "common core" are all one sized fits all methods. Not everyone is the same size.

Those that are a little behind are pushed through and those that can be a little ahead are held back. But it's fair!
that proves that schools are perfect for social conditioning. europeans have figured this out and teach kids to share and work as a team, testing is conspicuously absent
So london...

Did you enter school unable to speak or communicate nor control your bowel movements??

Because the premise you are trying to prove is that without public education, no learning occurs. Your parents must have been a pair of useless bumps if they couldnt teach you ANYTHING... No wonder you rely on the government for everything. Very insightful.
that proves that schools are perfect for social conditioning. europeans have figured this out and teach kids to share and work as a team, testing is conspicuously absent
Social conditioning... sounds ominous.

France has never given the diagnosis of ADHD either. We like to give our kids pills to control them here.
@ginwilly you speak against public schools but yet you sent your kids to public schools. I also hear they are doing well in life.
My choice was public school or Catholic school or quit my job, uproot the family and move. I was all for that, the rest weren't.

You think you have a point, yet you keep reinforcing what's wrong with our present system without realizing it.
So london...

Did you enter school unable to speak or communicate nor control your bowel movements??

Because the premise you are trying to prove is that without public education, no learning occurs. Your parents must have been a pair of useless bumps if they couldnt teach you ANYTHING... No wonder you rely on the government for everything. Very insightful.
I'm simple saying I'm grateful our country offers public schooling. Some country's don't even attempt to educate her people