Maybe I could actually sing if I was tripping?Oh man, tripping on karaoke night would be quite the experience!
MaybeMaybe I could actually sing if I was tripping?
I started getting to paranoid after awhileI loved tripping in school.
I didn't really get into tripping/psychedelics until after high school, and I don't have a lot of college time... or else I would probably agree. Rolling in school wasn't very fun... coke was the worst though. I'd take a bathroom break every 20 minutes lolI didn't like rolling in school near as much as tripping.
especially when you need to get a restroom pass from the teacherYeah going twice in one period seems to attract curiosity.
Done that a couple times lol... wearin a hoodie, acting like I'm putting my head downshit.. i did bumps in class!..