Well-Known Member
Good Evening All,
I bet someone here can help me...
The following is the email response from our local water manager...
"We do disinfect the water in [town deleted]. We use 10% Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite at approximately 1.0 ppm. This generally gives the residents around a 0.5 ppm or less at their meter."
and to answer my dechlorination question...
"Aeration is effective, but possibly as effective would be to let the water stand or disipate for four or five days. I do not reccomend filtration as a chlorine removal method, however when we have to de-chlorinate we utilize sodium bisulfate in small dosages."
Anyone know if this additive will kill micro-organizisms if organic ferts and additives? If I added a aeration stone to the water cans, could the disipation process be accelerated to 24-48hrs?
This is for use with Ocean Forest soil.
Thank folks...

I bet someone here can help me...
The following is the email response from our local water manager...
"We do disinfect the water in [town deleted]. We use 10% Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite at approximately 1.0 ppm. This generally gives the residents around a 0.5 ppm or less at their meter."
and to answer my dechlorination question...
"Aeration is effective, but possibly as effective would be to let the water stand or disipate for four or five days. I do not reccomend filtration as a chlorine removal method, however when we have to de-chlorinate we utilize sodium bisulfate in small dosages."
Anyone know if this additive will kill micro-organizisms if organic ferts and additives? If I added a aeration stone to the water cans, could the disipation process be accelerated to 24-48hrs?
This is for use with Ocean Forest soil.
Thank folks...