puff puff pass


Active Member
the smoke may be harsh, but if you dont mind it, would it be worth it just to take the leaves and roll them up? save time and energy would it do as good or would you get a high like smoking buds if you smokd enough


Well-Known Member
i recently found a nice weed grinder at the local gas station for 10$ , it has a seperate section in the bottem with a screen over it ,,, , i grind up everything good & then resift it thru that screen , moving it around with a lil tool , to extract more resins into my pile of kif.... now that u have a nice pile , i use a G clamp from the local $1 store & put all the hash powder into a cigarette cullophane & wram it tight ,,, squeez that between 2 metal plates ,, more liek 2 metal squares about 2inches by 2 inches ,, & 1/8 inch thick....now with ur hash inbetween the metal plates ,, clamp them together with the G clamp very tight ,, & then i place that whole setup ,, right on my ballast to keep it nice & warm ,,, tomorrow morning , i have a nice chunk of breakfast of champions.. i smoke 1 bowl of this shyt & i get higher than i do from smoking a whole blunt of the budz