*puffs blunt* so i got fired


Well-Known Member
So you don't like getting up in the mornings, Not a good start to getting a job or even holding one down.
You lose uniform regular too. If you was running your own company, how would you feel about a worker keep losing his clothing and having to pay money out to replace it?

Now your going to seek revenge.

To be honest, to me you don't sound like a man i'd back to become a winner.
Sounds like a bad attitude.

Search your mind for anwser to this question; Would you employ at your own company a person similar to you?

Not being rude to you, just honest in my own view.
No offense to the OP, but the above is correct. Postal service is a federal job, once you get past the probation period you're in for life. Good pay, good bennies. I took a test years ago for the postal service, but decided it would be better if I got into radio instead. Still kicking myself over that one


Well-Known Member
My last job I was working in central america. Company ended up dropping the whole manufacturing side and buying everything full package from china. My resume is full of textile industry jobs, none of which they even have in the US anymore. I feel all your pains. 3 years and counting, good thing I had a decent nest egg.

New Balance still makes 25% of their products in america