Puffy Eyes.


Well-Known Member
It seems that after smoking a spliff I get very puffy eyes / big bags under my eyes.

It makes me look like shit, you would swear I haven't slept in days and was on a serious bender.

Anybody ever got this or currently have this problem?

I have been smoking well over 10 / 15 years and have never had this problem before, seems to have popped up over the last couple of months.

Thoughts or advice much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I could understand looking wrecked after smoking a heavy amount but even after 1 spliff (1 ciggy and maybe .3g) and my eyes are gone!!!

I used to be a relatively heavy smoker approx 3gs a day and I never had to deal with this!!

Maybe I will try the semen......:):)


New Member
I could understand looking wrecked after smoking a heavy amount but even after 1 spliff (1 ciggy and maybe .3g) and my eyes are gone!!!

I used to be a relatively heavy smoker approx 3gs a day and I never had to deal with this!!

Maybe I will try the semen......:):)
it works for beardo.He has the smoothest skin his prego 1/2 sister and grandma ever came across