PUKING thread, lol.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if any1 has done this yet but,

this thread is about puking. sounds genereal but its not,i want good puking, bad puking, green puking, passionate puking.

i was thinking to my self of the time me and my bro bought a 1 and a half foot acrylic graffix bong, from fat mans alley in fresno, fer those who kno of it!;-)

but we went home witha good quad of sum nor cal bomskees, probaly one of your herb!hahaha. but then he challenges me to sink a gram in 1 hit.....i cant refuse.

im pressistant and weight it out then pack it, milk the shit out of this shiny new bong, and then in the midst of my last little bit....BOOM explosion of hot cheetoed color liquid, but i did in hale it all and sink it.

mission acomplished in my book.

i've been puking a pooping for the past two days with a stomach virus... now my wife and 3yr old have it:-(.... fun times at the gogrow house:lol:
i've been puking a pooping for the past two days with a stomach virus... now my wife and 3yr old have it:-(.... fun times at the gogrow house:lol:

thats alot of end blowing there buddy. hope you guys get better.

when in high school we made a bong out of a 3 litre bottle. i milked it so it was chok full of thick yellow smoke and started hitting it when my buddy grabs the sides and squeezes forcing all the smoke into my lungs. it was so much smoke i was scared to blow it out but i knew it had to happen sooner or later. the very next thing i did after blowing out the hit was blow out 2 heaping plates of cheesburger macaroni hamburger helper.
thats alot of end blowing there buddy. hope you guys get better.

when in high school we made a bong out of a 3 litre bottle. i milked it so it was chok full of thick yellow smoke and started hitting it when my buddy grabs the sides and squeezes forcing all the smoke into my lungs. it was so much smoke i was scared to blow it out but i knew it had to happen sooner or later. the very next thing i did after blowing out the hit was blow out 2 heaping plates of cheesburger macaroni hamburger helper.

i just hope the lil guy doesnt catch it... he's had enough problems in less than a year:-(....

i found out i was sick night before last... i sat up out of bed and instantly started blowing supreme pizza and popcorn.... *shudders at the memory*..
Downed 4 40's of old english and a blunt to the face and my hole back porch was covered it suckd even more when I had to hose it off the next morning when it all dried up.
HAHAHAHHAAAAA fukin love it posted this last night and woke up to this hahahahaaa thanx all!!

ok 1 time i was tyin to b slick at a party and talk to a gOOd lookin female. and as im drinkin my 3rd Tilt. i feel funny...dont think nuthin, then a lil werse and more and she is in the conversation too. im tryin to get laid not PUKE. and as shes talkin to me......BURRP! she roars. and it smells like a trigger fer explosive vomit. BOOOOM all (tries) into my 16 ounze can that was already full. damn she was sexy too.
One of only 3 times I've ever been shitface drunk. I was sitting around with one friend drinking skol vodka, eating Ramen Noodles and smokin bud. I'm doing great all night. Then I decided to have a screwdriver. BAD IDEA. I filled a 20 oz cup halfway with cheap ass vodka, the rest of the way with orange juice and chugged that shit.

All I have to say is when you throw up ramen noodles they are usually still iin noodle form. I threw up, then had the grab the noodles that were still coming out of my mouth and pull them the rest of the way out of my throat. And then I passed out. I had to wake up at 6 AM that morning too. Worst part was I had to scrub the vomit out of my carpet the next morning while I had a god awful hang over.
I was in high school at the time up at college visiting my older brother. The party we went to was a margurita party. I was drinking these things by the pitcher full. Then my brother says "hey bro let's go over to %&&&$#% and *&^%$$#%^% apartment I want you to try something". I had smoked a few times before, but I had never hit, let alone even seen a bong. It was approx 2 ft. My brother says have no fear I'll get it set up. He pulled the thickest cloud of smoke into that glass bong and handed it to me to clear and that was it. I sat down and couldn't move (pins and needles every where). Shouted at my brother to grab a trash can and then proceeded to nearly fill a 2.5 gallon trash can with marguritas. One of the worst nights ever, but I did learn about bongs and how to use them with very little if any alcohol.
When i was in grade seven or sumthing like that, we had a class road trip..we had a big bus and went to this forest-adventure park...Me and couple of other dudes started to drink vodka...we drank a lot..then, we smoked some bud..it was the first time i ever drank vodka and smoked bud..I was fuuucked up..i had double vision and did some crazy shiit..Some dudes were climbing these crazy adventure-park attractions like 20 meters high..i didint understand..i was down there, laying on the grass seeing double things...then, the worst part-the bus was standing in the parking lot..no one was in there..all the children were outside...i walked into the bus and BOOOOOM-i puked all over the place...The bus smelled like bums regular puke spot!!!!
Back in the day me and some people drank a 12 pack each of 211 and we all were yacking are brains out for like 5 straight minutes.
I've always thought that it'd be cool to have the two super powers of *being able to throw up on demand, and being able to puke perpetually, so puke flies out at the flick of a reflex.* Have you ever been in a situation where somebody has done something said something thought something, and the social outlook on it was to be 'completely disgusted and mortified' ? Negating whether or not you actually were, although if you were this helps. The first thought that goes through my head is an image of me throwing up all over them in retort.

Those are my passing thoughts,
That is all I shall contribute to this thread. Good day.