Pulling exhaust


As I am still new I am only managing a few plants 2-4. This will be my first Air Cooled Hood coming soon, Ive read 100x over that pulling is better then pushing the hot air. If I hook up my inline fan to pull the air what does everyone put on the other side of the lamp besides a Carbon Filter? I have not opted to get a filter as of yet. Does one just leave the hole exposed for intake to pull cool air over the hood?
As I am still new I am only managing a few plants 2-4. This will be my first Air Cooled Hood coming soon, Ive read 100x over that pulling is better then pushing the hot air. If I hook up my inline fan to pull the air what does everyone put on the other side of the lamp besides a Carbon Filter? I have not opted to get a filter as of yet. Does one just leave the hole exposed for intake to pull cool air over the hood?

yes pulling is better ........it allows u to mount the fan outside the tent (if u want to make a sound damper for it then u can )

what ppl put infront of it is normally the carbon filter that is for smell control
if u want to keep dust and bugs out u can use
is having the fan in the tent a bad idea?

not at all it is a good thing it helps remove IR heat from the leaf itself.......it has to move u do not want just static wind blowing over the plants (wind burn)
i use a powered intake so the ducting for it ends up behide my fan ...the fan blows it around
So you have fresh air blowing into that back of a fan? That sounds like an awesome idea. I wish ac's pulled air from outside or I would do something similar. Very nosy neighborhood and a household member is on parole so cant have vents just hanging around
the physics behind airflow doctave pulling ot pushing is the same flow rate. Static pressure is static pressure.

The only thing you don't want to do is blow IN to your cf. That will pack it full of dust and make it ineffective very quickly