Pump issue


Active Member
hey all,

where i live we've run into a problem with the electricity going out in our neighborhood. this isn't so bad for the lights and fans as the power only stays off for a couple hours at most. my fear is the pump for a dwc not bubbling and something happening to the plant. maybe this isn't a big deal for a two hour period but i was curious if there are big batteries that have ac outlets? or pumps that have the capability of running on batteries when the power goes out.

thanks in advance! :peace:


Well-Known Member
i have my mother in a gh waterfam and my power recently went out for 2 days... i was so tripping b/c i had heard that 12 hours and the plant would be dead, i had no such problems though, i just took out the top bucket a couple of times and allowed the roots that have grown through to get a little air... all was good when the power came back on...

i really wouldn't worry too much about it if i were you, i was worrying like hell but all was fine... i even had 15 clones in my ez cloner and all but 3 of them pulled through and are starting to grow roots, i figured these were goners for sure, weed is an amazing plant, never ceases to amaze me...