New Member
Accidentally kept the pump off for nearly two days after changing the water in my reservoir tank. Noticed something wrong when most the fans were awfully droopy, particularly since things have been thriving the whole run. I checked the root basin and they were dry. Not brown, but certainly not white, more of a tannish color. I triggered the pump to flood the reservoir right away and made sure it was all set up to cycle fine moving forward.
Question is, how much trouble am I in here? Are the roots dead, or just dried and stressed? Will the drooping likely turn to worse symptoms and conditions?
Had about 2 more weeks of nuts, then a 1-2 week flush left. Really hoping I didn't bone this whole run.
Question is, how much trouble am I in here? Are the roots dead, or just dried and stressed? Will the drooping likely turn to worse symptoms and conditions?
Had about 2 more weeks of nuts, then a 1-2 week flush left. Really hoping I didn't bone this whole run.