Pump was off for ~12 hours


Active Member
Yeah so the title tells all, Pretty much I'm freaking out because one of the strains in my DIY aeroponic setup isn't in veg anymore so if it dies I'm screwed.

Anyways, last night at like 6 at night I unplugged my pumps in my aero setups and forgot to plug them back in but I realized it this morning. I checked my plants and all of them were drooping and sad. I pulled out the net pots and the roots were still there, they also looks pretty sad too.

I immediately plugged the pump back in and am pretty upset.

My question is: am i screwed? Should i wait to see if the plants perk back up? They're not that big, it's mainly just rooted clones that have a decent root system.

ahhhh, any help is appreciated, I'm freaking out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah so the title tells all, Pretty much I'm freaking out because one of the strains in my DIY aeroponic setup isn't in veg anymore so if it dies I'm screwed.

Anyways, last night at like 6 at night I unplugged my pumps in my aero setups and forgot to plug them back in but I realized it this morning. I checked my plants and all of them were drooping and sad. I pulled out the net pots and the roots were still there, they also looks pretty sad too.

I immediately plugged the pump back in and am pretty upset.

My question is: am i screwed? Should i wait to see if the plants perk back up? They're not that big, it's mainly just rooted clones that have a decent root system.

ahhhh, any help is appreciated, I'm freaking out.

Mist the hell out of them. That will generally reconstitute them.

I do that occasionally with my aero cloner. Unplug it to open it up and forget to plug it back in. When I check in the morn, I dont hear the pump and they look droopy. I just mist them and when I check in the evening, they look like they havent missed a beat.

I would, however, suggest you mist them NOW


Active Member
Yeah, the sooner the better, and misting them is defenitively helpful. It should get back a couple days hopefully, I doubt it kills it.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that m8, but let this be a lesson for you and make an habbit of making sure every time you leave the grow room take a look at the pump plug and make sure its pluged in! iv dont it my self once never again! last thing i look at as i leave the grow room is the pump plug.

hope you save them.


Well-Known Member
i did this once to clones that hadn't rooted yet and they were all laying over. almost a 90* bend in the stem... they were off for 16 hours and i misted them every 30 mins for a few hours... they perked up but tons of fan leaves were super dried out and i just crumbled them off. they all lived.. and all rooted... just took longer and they look pretty rough... but you'll be ok.

i now have a big sign on my door of my grow area that says... PUMPS ON???


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses, you guys instilled hope into not only me but into my grow operation. Anyways, plugging in the pumps again, misting the plants, and then just letting them go for 24 hours solved the issue. Checking on them this morning, and pretty much all of the ones that were rooted are perked back up and look like they haven't missed a beat, as GreenThumb stated.

I like your idea whatapothead, I think I might put a huge sign on my veg tent because that's where my current aero setup is, and I know if I have a huge sign on there there's no way I'll forget to turn the pumps back on as I'm zipping the tent back up.

Anyways, thanks to all 4 of you for your responses, thanks to the quick responses I was able to save my plants. +rep


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the responses, you guys instilled hope into not only me but into my grow operation. +rep
One thing about growing pot and hope.

Growing pot has a learning curve. It is normal to make mistakes. As long as we learn from them, they are part of the adventure. Ive been in some seemingly hopeless situations growing weed, but in the end everything came out fine.

If you have any problems, come here and post them and you will recieve some expert help. Eventually, you will be 'there' and sharing your own expertise.

Never, ever, give up hope my friend.


Well-Known Member
My worst: 36 hours, no mist in an aeroflo. Luckily I had left about 1/2" in the tubes, which I think kept them alive. My HIDs went ahead and smoked the closest of the buds for me :(
i have a aeroflo 60 just ended my 3rd week. my lines are barely spraying and they have only been used for 3 weeks(baught new ones). havent had trouble with clogged lines before could my pump be going out? its only like 6 months old