Punk Song of the Day


Well-Known Member
Try to listen to these songs one after the other as quickly as possible... on the album they go into each other and make "one" song lol.. my buddy and i got this played at school during lunch lol but only until where they said "fuck off".....


Great Album. 'Pump up the Valuum.'

Probably gonna have a NOFX day now hahha..


bud bootlegger

love the double bass in this song.. am i demon... yes i am..........

Steve French

Well-Known Member


I think that's enough for today.


Active Member
[video=youtube;7NW29q6C4Do]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NW29q6C4Do[/video] An off shoot of punk, Irish style

[video=youtube;aTafZRecy2k]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTafZRecy2k[/video] Again with a Irish influence.


bud bootlegger
Fucking LOVE Suicidal Tendencies!
yah, i always loved the first album and possessed to skate as well, never really got into much after that as i feel they got a lil too metal for my likings, but suicidal tendencies, suicidal tendencies has to be one of the best albums ever..