Pure Blend Original w/ Fox Farm Ocean Forest???


Well-Known Member
Ok, first of all THANK YOU for any, and all, help!

I'll tell you a little bit about my situation. My (Vision Seeds) Jack Herer plant is 2 weeks old and I just transplanted it into a 2 gallon smart pot of pretty much straight Ocean Forest. I meant to add more Light Warrior, but I put the LW in first then put in too much OF and couldnt really mix it up well without just tossing the dirt all over the floor, so long story short, its mainly FFOF with a layer of Light Warrior at the bottom...hmm lol.

The seedling has only been in the mix for about 2 days (today being the third), and I dont notice any burn or anything yet. It actually looks a lot better and is growing fast compared to when I had it in the solo cup of straight LW, so im hopeful. If you think it will die or something let me know! This is my first grow so I'm kind of at my own mercy here lol.

I got a bottle of Botanicare Pure Blend Original Metabolic Grow Formula (the truly organic one) from a friend, that I'm wondering about also. I've read that it is good to use as a supplement to the ferts (which are already in the ffof) but obviously the little baby doesnt need anything on top of the ffof for a while right??? Although I've heard it is pretty mild.

Heres what the bottle of the Pure Blend Original says:

Guaranteed Analysis-

Total Nitrogen (N)
0.2% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.6% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.2% other water soluble nitrogen

Available Phosphate 0.5%
Soluble Potash 1.0%

0.07% Humic Acid derived from leonardite (Ive read that the "old" original blend had a good amount of humic acid. Is this the good amount or the newer, lesser amount??)

Hmm what else.. It says to use 1-3 teaspoons per gallon with the standard nute solution, or if youre using it without other nutes then to use 1-3 tablespoons per gallon. It also says to use it with every watering for best results, but im just guessing they want to sell more lol, but def let me know if im off base here!

So basically what I want to find out is:

If you were in my situation and had a seedling sitting in a 2 gal. smart pot of ffof, what would you do? Would you just let it be for about a month and let it use up all the nutes in the soil? Would you supplement the waterings with the Pure Blend? Would you feed the Pure Blend with every watering?

I also have 2 seedlings that are still in Solo Cups of Light warrior, so I have the opportunity to do things differently with them, so also let me know what you would do with them. I have FFOF, Light warrior, and pure blend to work with.

I left out a big piece of information I feel like lol, my bad, wow...I plan to be using the smart pot seedling for my mother since it seems to be the most vigorous. That may change what you would do here, so just keep that in mind. The other two I plan to take to harvest.

I think that's about it. I looked around for threads that dealt with my specific situation but this sitch is pretty specific lol. Thanks for everything, in advance!

Peace and Love!
Here's some pics for whatever that may help lol.

This is the transplanted "mom". JH#2


The JH#1

And last but not least, the (what I call) Super Haze. May turn out to be another Jack but im hoping its the SH lol, let me know what you think there!

If your looking to go organic and got some cash to spend on nutrients I would get a quart of Age Old Organics Grow(12-6-6) and Bloom(5-10-5) it has the N-P-K to get those baby's the nutrients the need... And remember to always balance the pH of your fresh water and nutrient solution to 6.5 when growing in soil to prevent any nutrient lockout
Thanks for the reply rooster! Ill look into the Age Old nutes, but would you use them with the ocean forest? or would you let the ocean forest nutes run out after about a month and then start using the age old??

thanks man, I do appreciate it!
i have the same soil ffof with pure blend gro n bloom my plant 2 mounth n 3gal pots n i give cal?mag 5ml gal ph 6.5 n feed tell soil nuties run out

Sup Nyquil, thanks for the reply, I may end up going with the same thing you got going, but its a toss up right now. I want to stay organic but honestly might go with the fox farm nute line (not organic) this round and go all outwith a super soil next round. Thanks brutha man
Feed only water till they start to get pale and look hungry u ll know. Also wait to transplant up into a 2gallon next time. if ur solo cup seedlings aren't needing water everyday or twice a day their root system isn't developed enough to b in a big container like a 2 gal. also always use perlite with heavy soil to get better oxygen to ur root zone.
Sup Nyquil, thanks for the reply, I may end up going with the same thing you got going, but its a toss up right now. I want to stay organic but honestly might go with the fox farm nute line (not organic) this round and go all outwith a super soil next round. Thanks brutha man
kool bro just rember wate after the soil stop feeding to start nuties pice bro keep me post on ur babbies
Feed only water till they start to get pale and look hungry u ll know. Also wait to transplant up into a 2gallon next time. if ur solo cup seedlings aren't needing water everyday or twice a day their root system isn't developed enough to b in a big container like a 2 gal. also always use perlite with heavy soil to get better oxygen to ur root zone.
I dig the FF OF soil, but it pays to know your plants! In my own experience- the soil nutes are usually enough to sustain for a couple of weeks- for most strains and conditions. I don't like to wait until my plants become deficient, mainly because I grow from clones- that go directly to 12/12 when I transplant them. If they become deficient to the point it shows, there's not usually enough time to correct it in order to get a good yield.
But, some strains are nute PIGS!
My Pineapple Trainwreck started SHOWING P deficiency in the 3rd wk, while my CheeseQuake was still enjoying the OF nutes. This is my 1st run of the PT, and I'll know the next run to start in with the bloom nutes early.
I def agree with the addition of perlite! I add 10% by volume, plus I add 1 cup of dolomite FLOUR per cubic foot of dry soil. Makes a huge difference on my soil's ph!
As for container size, well, everyone has their own ideas, I suppose. Personnaly, when my clones are rooted well enough to transplant, they go directly into 1 1/2 gal pots, and they never miss a beat. No matter what size pot you put them in, they will have to establish a root network before you'll see any growth from above. Each time you transplant, it's stressful to the plant, thus more chances for stress related problems, IMO