Pure Blend Pro nutes question??


I had my last thread erased, sorry guys didnt know links was a no no!:shock:

In my grow, I will be using Pure Blend Pro nutrients. I bought the grow, bloom, and some calmag. I got a free bottle of Liquid Karma with my purchase.

Question is:

Will i need to use the Calmag if i have the Liquid Karma or vice versa? And could i use them both?


Well-Known Member
You can use them both. They contian some of the same essentials but perform two different tasks. Cal Mag is a strict supplement of Calcium and Magnesium. This is for people whom have amended soil. As well as those who have filtered city sourced water to remove chlorine, which adversly removes any trace elements left in the water as well. While Liquid Karma helps aid with soil beneficials, as well as the way in which the protiens, sugars and foods are taken up. Liquid Karma is small metabolized particles of nutrients which is meant to be constantly fed, and is meant to act as somewhat of a " metabolic enhancer" if you will.


You can use them both. They contian some of the same essentials but perform two different tasks. Cal Mag is a strict supplement of Calcium and Magnesium. This is for people whom have amended soil. As well as those who have filtered city sourced water to remove chlorine, which adversly removes any trace elements left in the water as well. While Liquid Karma helps aid with soil beneficials, as well as the way in which the protiens, sugars and foods are taken up. Liquid Karma is small metabolized particles of nutrients which is meant to be constantly fed, and is meant to act as somewhat of a " metabolic enhancer" if you will.

Well explained.... I will stick with them all:mrgreen: