pure bliss

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I just decided to take ecstasy for the first time a couple days ago and would like to share my experience.

I take the pill around 9:30pm, it was a pink pill with red dots.
Around 10:00 we smoke a blunt.
My heart starts to beat very fast, to the point where i start tweaking alittle bit.
Everyone talking seems to piss me when they talk, i am very on edge.
around 10:30 im feeling very happy, no body high yet.
My friends turn off the lights and start a light show with their ipods.
They first use a white screen which i see tracers behind. They then turn to red which takes me to a whole new level. I see "crawlies" everywhere. The best way i can explain these is the whole room is coverd by moving shaking red lines. Its insane.
The house i was at was getting new carpet so we went downstairs and helped moved furniture. This was at my happiest point. For some reason i felt so alive. Lifting the furniture around acutally felt food. I was telling everyone where things would best fit, i took control which is very rare.
After 20mins of that we go back to the garage where we originaly started. we then proceed to turn the lights off again. I can clearly see everything on the shelves to the side. It seems while you are on ecstasy your vision is wider id say. The things on the shelve start to pulsate which at that point was blowing my mind.
We then proceed to listen to sound tribe and many other jam bands i hated before. But after taking this wonderful drug, i understood. This music is the happiest shit you have ever heard while on this. It puts you at a whole new level.

Thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
eh yeah, its been a while since I tripped on E.. reading your story here brought some memories back to me though.

acid is kinda similar to E, you ever tripped acid? It's no where near as addictive as E is though. Thankfully I never got addicted to E or acid.. I'd be in the ground if I was still tripping.

Just smoke bud now a days.. but hey I'm 28 years old now and I've had my fun. But, it does catch up with you when you get older bro... so just looking out for ya, I wouldn't trip too many times you know? Shit's really easy to OD on.. just make sure you know your limits ya dig?



Well-Known Member
E is hardly addictive... I've never seen anyone crawling on the carpet looking for pieces of E.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
eh yeah, its been a while since I tripped on E.. reading your story here brought some memories back to me though.

acid is kinda similar to E, you ever tripped acid? It's no where near as addictive as E is though. Thankfully I never got addicted to E or acid.. I'd be in the ground if I was still tripping.

Just smoke bud now a days.. but hey I'm 28 years old now and I've had my fun. But, it does catch up with you when you get older bro... so just looking out for ya, I wouldn't trip too many times you know? Shit's really easy to OD on.. just make sure you know your limits ya dig?

Nope never triped on acid before. I do plan on doing it in the near future. I hear after doing acid your mind is wide open. A buddy of mine said he woke up and just felt refreshed and forever he felt like a different person. thats fucking insane a drug would do that to ya.
Yea i can see how someone would get addicted to this shit, it feels to good!
I can control my shit tho, good lookin out