Pure LED PC Tower Grow


I was thinking about building a PC Tower stealth grow system but using only LED lights.

-Chieftec Dragon Case, $82
-LED Grow Panel, $55
-1w Red LED Bulb x2, $60

One of the problems with HPS or even CFLs in case grows is heat burn. A problem that is nonexistent with LEDs. Also, if there are light leaks, they'll be purple. Which isn't really that suspicious coming from a pc case. lol.

I plan on growing lowryder 2, breeding a male and female for a batch of seeds, then growing females only in the case. Two at a time.

Do you think there are enough LEDs? I plan on putting the panel on the side and the smaller socket type ones on the top.

Thanks for the input.


Active Member
i know you don't want to hear this bro but.. growing in a pc case, while it may work, is definitely not ideal.. you have such a limited space your plant(s) will be crammed in there without air flow or a natural-like setting. you would be much much better off using something at least a little bigger such as a large rubbermaid bin or closet or dresser. remember, when you flower a plant it will increase up to three times its size. the way i see it if you grow in a pc case you'd have to flower the plant at like a week or 2 of growth and even then you would be pushing it. and with that size plant only growing under led's you won't have much of a yield at all. keep in mind that while you have the right idea with heat and led lights, you also need LOTS of led lights to measure up to what an HID or lots of CFL/Flouro's can do. since you're growing in a pc case i don't think you'd be able to get close to enough led's in there to have a respectable grow, or one that even warrants your time/effort. also, if you're going to spend that much money on this tiny grow setup, you could easily get a high pressure sodium or metal halide, just look on craigslist, theres always a few on here locally somewhere for cheap. guys around here are selling 400w metal halides for 40 bucks a piece. theres too many factors you have to worry about if you want a good legit grow, and growing in a pc case definitely makes it harder for you to provide ideal conditions. try finding a bigger container to grow in, it will probably be cheaper too. and if you're doing it so mom and dad don't find out your growing then you probably should not be growing to begin with. its best to not try and hurry things with growing, wait til you have all your materials, a safe environment, and ideal conditions until you start growing. because if not you'll just be disappointed when things don't work out how you had envisioned. i dunno i'm not trying to tell you how to grow or what to do, just bored, pretty high, and love to help people out. figured i'd give my .02 cents. no matter what you do though, good luck and be careful/safe! good luck to you my friend


Well-Known Member
LEDs can work but you usually want the high output ones. Instead of those two 1w LED bulbs I'de go with two of these http://shop.ledgrowlight.com/product.sc?categoryId=11&productId=6

15w high output should put off ALOT more lumens. Those pannels are only 14w so with 2 of the 15w and two panels thats almost 50w LED which still isn't all that much at all. Might as well give it a try though. I personally would go with 4x48w CFLs on the top with the LED panels on the side as a bonus. With two computer fans your temps should be fine and as long as they dont touch the top you're golden. IF need be you can put wire mesh between the lights and the plants.


Ok, thanks guys. I think I'll switch to CFLs with the LED panel on the side just for kicks.
I'm a little confused on how to wire it all up though. Can someone help me with this?

For the record, I'm in my own apartment and not with my parents. lol.
I wanted a small stealth grow so nosey friends and the landlord wouldn't find it.


Active Member
I wanted a small stealth grow so nosey friends and the landlord wouldn't find it.

if thats the case then you can definitely use something bigger. just use 2 rubbermaid containers or something stacked on top of eachother with the middle cut out. or an old gutted dresser. your landlord does not have permission to go through your things. he can open your closets and inspect his property, but your private things and what you have in closed/locked containers is not his business and he has no right to look. or even question you. if you don't gotta worry about parents then don't do a pc grow, it willbe a big waste man. especially if you're gettin a cheiftec case those are expensive lol if anything get a cheap knockoff one for like 15 bucks. i just don't want you to be disappointed with your results when you have the ability to do it better to begin with, you feel? well, good luck man! lemme know how it goes


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks guys. I think I'll switch to CFLs with the LED panel on the side just for kicks.
I'm a little confused on how to wire it all up though. Can someone help me with this?

For the record, I'm in my own apartment and not with my parents. lol.
I wanted a small stealth grow so nosey friends and the landlord wouldn't find it.
You could go simple and just mount a power strip to the top of the case and plug four of these into it.


Well-Known Member
It is a fine experiment.

Just don't think it will be... a positive return on your investment.

It will prepare you, enable you, to make the step up when you become able.

I say go for it!

Figure out a design which you think is ideal,

and put that shit together!


Well-Known Member
if thats the case then you can definitely use something bigger. just use 2 rubbermaid containers or something stacked on top of eachother with the middle cut out. or an old gutted dresser. your landlord does not have permission to go through your things. he can open your closets and inspect his property, but your private things and what you have in closed/locked containers is not his business and he has no right to look. or even question you. if you don't gotta worry about parents then don't do a pc grow, it willbe a big waste man. especially if you're gettin a cheiftec case those are expensive lol if anything get a cheap knockoff one for like 15 bucks. i just don't want you to be disappointed with your results when you have the ability to do it better to begin with, you feel? well, good luck man! lemme know how it goes

+1 for the gutted dresser. Knock out the bottom of each drawer and your dresser will look normal at a glance. This is an effective stealth grow and you can pick up an old dresser dirt cheap if you don't have one to spare. It will cost less than buying a nice computer case and you will be much happier with the results. Let me know if you have questions about the setup because I had a successful dresser grow if you need suggestions. Good luck.


Active Member
Just a heads up, an apartment IS a risk, regardless of what ANYONE tells you. Think about it, they have a damn key. All it takes is the pest control guy to come by, they let him in, he sprays near the dresser, hears a sound or sees the slightest bit of light and then the cats out of the bag.

I'm not saying it's not possible, or that a shit ton of people haven't done it and gotten away with it. But just BE CAREFUL! Tell them you want NO ONE in your apartment without you there; this is not something they will abide by UNLESS you tell them.

When I got caught by the maintenance guys fucking around in my place (because the manager made a mistake; a COMMON way to get caught, them fucking up, you paying for it) I was lucky because I got a heads up from a manager who I was cool with.

I've had my gear in my grow tent, powered down and dry for more than a few months because it's just not worth it in an apartment to me; prying eyes are just way too close.


Well-Known Member
How about starting off with a couple plants in the PC case and see how that goes. When they get too big you can have the dresser prepped just move them in. This is not ideal but its safer than going with the dresser all the way and your plants will have the benefit of more space when they get big.