Pure Oxygen effects


Active Member
Can anyone tell me if injecting pure oxygen into a aeroponics root chamber would be benificial for growth or not? has anyone tryed this please let me know what effects it had.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Some one did this a while back.

He was using DWC and had an o2 purifier. He said it was like giving the plants "crack". There was talk of a grow diery but I don't know what happened to it.


Well-Known Member
Adding Oxygen to the nute solution will give the best benefit.

Add the Oxygen to your air pump intake,
and pump it into the solution.



Well-Known Member
When the O2 is used for the air pump intake, an oxygen bubble will then insert a higher percentage of oxygen into water than a normal air bubble (inserts like 0.000005% O2). I suspect this should allow for WAAAYYY faster root growth... but only an experiment will tell ;)

check this out:
Company is testing irrigation invention that could boost annual strawberry production in Minnesota

Ag Innovation News, OCT-DEC: PUTTING MORE "O" IN H2O

Get their electric O2 infuser: THE OXYGENATOR | A patented process to create 100% pure oxygen from the water itself.

Or, to get the cloud-like 100-500 micron sized O2 bubbles into the reservoir, get a ceramic airstone like at

KeepAlive Ceramic Oxygen Diffusers


Point Four, oxygen dffusers, oxygen, dffusers


Well-Known Member
ok.. i have a between a 2 micron and .5 micron air stone. I was wondering if i used it to "oxygenate" the water if it would be bad for it or not. I do homebrewing and i use the stone to "oxygenate" the beer (before you throw the yeast in, due to boiling de-oxygenates the water). however with that, your only supposed to oxygenate it for like 15 seconds. I have done a 2 min run and the beer came out way yeasty (yeast needs a little o2 to get going) i dont have anything growing at the moment, but i thought to go to the grocery store and pick up 2 plants. make one a normal watering and the other with water that has had o2 infused (stone).. Ill let you know the results, but if it is like crack for the plant, i will be picking up way more air stones.

MoreBeer | Oxygenation Partial System - No Filter

here is the link to what i bought.. you use those red o2 tanks like you can buy at home depot or menards..


Active Member
Seems like pumping pure O2, which is highly flammable, around all that electricity would not be a good idea?


Well-Known Member
O2 is not flammable att all.
It is an accelerant, which means it can only increase the rate of combustion, but can not itself burn in any possible way.

O2 is 100% safe to use around electricity. Around flammables and fuel sources is another thing...


Active Member
hi everyone i have sort of the same concept of inserting o2, i have a machine that produces 97% pure o2. and a friend tells me that plants take in o2 at night and produce co2(true?)! now if i ran a thin cord through and in between my pots having the o2 circulate in the room(small room), would this create better yields? it seems biologically correct to me but i ant no bloody biologist.... any input???????????????


Well-Known Member
hi everyone i have sort of the same concept of inserting o2, i have a machine that produces 97% pure o2. and a friend tells me that plants take in o2 at night and produce co2(true?)! now if i ran a thin cord through and in between my pots having the o2 circulate in the room(small room), would this create better yields? it seems biologically correct to me but i ant no bloody biologist.... any input???????????????
Plants do not take in O2 at night and they do not produce CO2 (in any significant quantities).

Plants can take in O2 when they're going through a condition known as photorespiration such as when the temps/light levels are to high causing the stomas to close.

Photorespiration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Adding high levels of O2 in the atmosphere will lower the rate of photosynthesis. Lowering O2 levels in the atmospere can allow for higher light levels before photo saturation sets in. I'm only refering to the atmosphere and NOT the root zone.



Well-Known Member
BTW, you can always just add hydrogen peroxide to the water/solution to boost your O2 levels in the root zone. I use 1000 ppm H2O2 with hydro fertilizers in soil allowing me to water everyday in effect giving me a once per day ebb and flow hydro system.


Active Member
I'd just like to redirect interest back to PowerTrance's link to The Oxygenator. For $50 it supplies unlimited O2 via electrolysis to 3-5 gal versus god knows how much for a O2 tank/regulator/etc which of course is a recurring cost.