Pure power plant scrog


Active Member
yeah check out super cropping (may be one word) on this site :)

or u can just bend em down and hold em with small weights etc
I like to super crop most of my babies at least once, it gives a great even spread but I've not tried it in flower before, though lots of people do, usually when there are height problems. Again, I would only try it in the first 2 weeks, it will stress your plants, at least a bit and can cause a plant to hermi, if done later in flower.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yep in agreement with both of ur comments bro :) i also believe it should all be done fairly early on, so u should be good bro


Well-Known Member
I read that I should trim all the growth under the screen and I did so. I was just thinking if it was good idea to so because of stressing the plant ?? I removed all the leaves (even which where still green), is this the way it had to be done ??

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
nope u done good bro, everything under the screen doesnt get any light and its a pain to trim all the fluffy budz. i always remove the stuff under the screen, next time i take some pics i'll show ya :)

there is a theory that all the energy from the bottom fluffy budz goes to the top colas in any way. i kinda belive this lol.

hope ur good, have a good christmas LW420, ESheep and anyone else who visits this page :)



Well-Known Member
Here guys hope everyone had a good Xmas :):):) so 2 weeks has now pasted and they are showing some good growth, been feeding here big bloom and tiger bloom and is really showing me some results. Bud development has now started. Trimmed everything beneath the screen including small bud sites and branches.

One thing I want to ask does the 8week countdown start when you first switch to 12/12 or from when bud development start ???

Thanks for all the help I get from this site and a big thank you for evilsheep, las fingerez and op panda. :joint::joint::joint:bongsmilie:bigjoint::peace:



Active Member
I'm jelly and my stuff is still in the cloner, how did you make the screen? I'm doing SOG, but I've seen some that needed screens, some didn't, but yours looks much better than wire stretched across a frame which I was going to do, how did you make it?

Wow I wish I wasn't so bad at DIY, that looks like it should work really well :)
DIY is easier than you think, just buy a drill and do what makes sense, edit your mistakes as you go along, and in a month or two you'll be much better than you thought... the initial hurdle of not trusting your own work is the biggest barrier for most people IMO.

i foiler feed into flowering up to the 5th week just use another spray bottle to hose them off good about 15 mins after you spray feed to make sure the chems are gone... deffinitly not a bad thing to do in flowering....
I'm no expert on this one, but if someone is, I'd love an explanation for this, as 15 minutes seems like FAR too little time to make a difference... my experience is based on aquatic plants, so what do I know... but still seems a little superfluous...

Yesterday i made a DIY carbon filter, she's stinking quite a bit.
so i used: chicken wire
some pantyhose
highly active carbon
I took the chicken wire and made 2 cylinders one smaller than the other, no specific measurements depends on your exhaust and how much carbon you want to use. put the pantyhose over the 2 cylinders, put the cylinders in each other and fill in between with carbon. The carbon must be ACTIVE. probable seen the same or similar on other posts. will tell you how it ones I've installed it :bigjoint:
Pantyhose working out well? I've never read a DIY on filters in very much depth, didn't wanna fuck around and I found a good deal on a fan and filter together, but I remember that stockings on the filter in my fish tank got clogged quickly (breeding red cherry shrimp) so hopefully the same won't happen with air... I probably would have gone with some stainless steel screen (there's a Michael's two blocks from my place, I got it once before for cigar and fish related stuff).

Sorry I forgot to mention 1 thing and this could be my answer may you or someone on this forum can help me;) the to timers are connected to the same extension cord ;) fuck I stoned:D
By extension cord I'm guessing you mean power strip? Either way, get one with a fuse in it, then the fuse will blow before the timers weld themselves on, and on most if the fuse blows you just have to hit reset as it's not actually a fuse... but... yeah... you just need to reset the timers, that's what I did (had similar issues on fish tanks).

Finally, random question, how the fuck do you know when to feed plants in dirt? Hydro you have PPM meters, etc... is there anyway to know in dirt other than listening to the plant? If there isn't, that's both super zen awesome, and annoying at the same time... :X

+rep if I can figure out how to do that... never used a forum with that feature before, lol! Subbed, I wanna know the yield! :D


Well-Known Member
I'm jelly and my stuff is still in the cloner, how did you make the screen? I'm doing SOG, but I've seen some that needed screens, some didn't, but yours looks much better than wire stretched across a frame which I was going to do, how did you make it?
I made the screen from 4 (1*1 inch) stripes of wood. Cut them to the l*B I wanted to end up and drilled then together using 1 1/2" self tapping screws. Marked where I wanted the wire to pass (wire used was line wire for hanging clothes to dry), after marking I drilling in the middle of the wood where i marked. Finally guided the wire through every hole up and down, fixed a screw in the first and last hole to hole the wire in place.
Finally, random question, how the fuck do you know when to feed plants in dirt? Hydro you have PPM meters, etc... is there anyway to know in dirt other than listening to the plant? If there isn't, that's both super zen awesome, and annoying at the same time... :X
I know when I have to water/feed by using a moist meter and I feed every other watering. other then that I dont know;) thanks for stopping by :):)


Active Member
I know when I have to water/feed by using a moist meter and I feed every other watering. other then that I dont know;) thanks for stopping by :):)
But how do you know nutrient-wise other than seeing the leaves change color? I guess soil already contains nutrients so there's less of an edge to fall off but... ya know.


Well-Known Member
well bibbles I just do what I listen from people, read instructions put it all together and see what the plants prefer and how they react, thats what I do and seems to be going quite well.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hmmmm debatable. yeah if there at the bottom getting hardly any or no light. my leaves turned yellow on my lemon but i brought them back to green again with a compost and bat crap tea (well a few of them lol)

have a good new years bro :)


edit - if there brown and crisp then yes :)