iba makes callus...cannabis doesn't require callus to root, it will root via direct exogenesis
iaa is better for cannabis. and GA3 is bad for rooting...Bap is like plant steroids, but a little goes a long way
I also highly advice not to use GA3 for rooting for cannabis plants.
GA3 will also cause cannabis plant to go hermie or be a male in a non stress manner if applied to the roots.
This is because GA3 is the "male" inducing hormone for the cannabis plant. GA3 will signal the plant to be male like.
Never use GA3 on cannabis plants unless you want males or hermies for breeding/testing purposes.
Quality female/feminized strains/seeds should refrain the GA3 male hormone signaling.
GA3 is however good for stem growth and provides high success rates in germination but it is counterintuitive for cannabis plants because we all want the female plant.
If interested, read the attached of two different research papers done on cannabis plants using different kinds of hormones to induce certain genders.
Here are some quotes, one from each paper:
"Treatment with gibberellic acid (25 mg/L) resulted in more than 80% of the plants being male"
"Gibberellic acid promoted masculinization"