Pure Sativa Thread

All these fruity Durban Poisons are fake....I pretty much grew up on the stuff.
It tastes and smells just like ordinary weed. But it is very trippy.
The only times I have seen people act out on weed has been DP.
I have even seen it make people speak in tongues, without them even knowing they are doing it.
How do you know they weren't just mumbling nonsense?
We were having a conversation, same as we did every night, watching telly etc...
My friend thought he was talking normally, but what came out was a very structured giberdy gook language.
My wife and I looked at each other, like is this real. And then as soon as he started he stopped. He knew nothing about it when we asked him what was that.
He thought he was just speaking normally on about whatever the topic at hand was.
I've also seen it make people too scared to go out the door. Can be quite paranoia-inducing.
Im growering one right now, mine outdoor, guest u grow indoor so it's a bit different
Just start flowrering, hope i dont get the hemp pheno or i will wasted 5-6 month for nothing.
Are u notice any different on hemp and good when in veg or flowring?
Do it look like your hemp or your good ones? Do your hemp has any smell in veg? Mine has some tropical fruit smelling.
Sorry for much questions. Thank you for your times.

Nevermind about question me about things that can interest to you, cos I uses to do the same with the other growers & breeders.
Btw, Im only an outdoor grower, too.

Ok: Nobody will be able to like the "hemp one", except to make rope, maybe... I dont think it is like a genotipe, cos the original Destroyer CannaBioGen dosent have it and always gives great plants with a very potent psicoactivity: I think the problemas is the way in what a lot of Seeds Banks (overall the Dutch ones and the Spanish " bulk seeds" ones, but same from USA or Canada too) are making their seeds: by subcontractors inna massive way without any test or any quality control...

About your plant: your have a smell similar like the "good" one; I explained that my "bad" one near hasent any smell...
The "good" n the "bad" looked similar, but the "bad" have a little amount of rosin. Same pics:







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I have a really sativa leaning Pineapple Express. Not really sure how to get the most from it. I'm used to the indica so I'm assuming around half nuts strength(500ppm?) 2nd week of flower atm


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We were having a conversation, same as we did every night, watching telly etc...
My friend thought he was talking normally, but what came out was a very structured giberdy gook language.
My wife and I looked at each other, like is this real. And then as soon as he started he stopped. He knew nothing about it when we asked him what was that.
He thought he was just speaking normally on about whatever the topic at hand was.
I've also seen it make people too scared to go out the door. Can be quite paranoia-inducing.

So where to get the real Durban Poison? I have some I am quite sure are real. Snowhigh Durban seeds. I am told the taste is licorice or anise. Strong for a heirloom too.
Nevermind about question me about things that can interest to you, cos I uses to do the same with the other growers & breeders.
Btw, Im only an outdoor grower, too.

Ok: Nobody will be able to like the "hemp one", except to make rope, maybe... I dont think it is like a genotipe, cos the original Destroyer CannaBioGen dosent have it and always gives great plants with a very potent psicoactivity: I think the problemas is the way in what a lot of Seeds Banks (overall the Dutch ones and the Spanish " bulk seeds" ones, but same from USA or Canada too) are making their seeds: by subcontractors inna massive way without any test or any quality control...
Thanks but u don't answer my questions yet. Hope i dont get hemp pheno
Thanks but u don't answer my questions yet. Hope i dont get hemp pheno

You must be more patience with me: Im not an English speaker (I must translate in my mind or in a electronic translator before to post) n I was still editing my before post triyin to ask your questions n to post same pics...

Anyway, I prefer thousand times more an original Destroyer Cannabiogen that the Desfran Dutch Passion copy... As ya said before, you can loose months growin bad hemp. And I never seen or smoked a Destroyer CBG that wasent betwwen the 7 to 10 "points" in my subjetive 0 to 10 quality scale...
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So where to get the real Durban Poison? I have some I am quite sure are real. Snowhigh Durban seeds. I am told the taste is licorice or anise. Strong for a heirloom too.

Tropical Seeds Company has a great Durban Poison'70 that Im growin right now. It is a selection of the green geno, only.
You must be more patience with me: Im not an English speaker (I must translate in my mind or in a electronic translator before to post) n I was still editing my before post triyin to ask your questions n to post same pics...
Lol I thought u forget. English not is not my language too, i still learning about it. And thanks u very much for your answer. I know desfran is knockoffs Destroyers from Cannabiogen but the fake only half the prince so i buy it. Look like many people
have a similar case like your , some get very good plant and another pure trash. They say u get what u pay for hope that
does not apply to me. Lol

And in your picture is the bad one?
All these fruity Durban Poisons are fake....I pretty much grew up on the stuff.
It tastes and smells just like ordinary weed. But it is very trippy.
The only times I have seen people act out on weed has been DP.
I have even seen it make people speak in tongues, without them even knowing they are doing it.

dang, i hope my seedsman durban makes me speak in tongues...
Look like many people
have a similar case like your , some get very good plant and another pure trash. They say u get what u pay for hope that
does not apply to me. Lol

And in your picture is the bad one?

I have seen the same case of my "bad hemp/poor rosined" Desfran Dutch Passion, in other strains like Acapulco Gold-Barneys, Kalashnikova-Green House, Flo-Dutch Passion, n several strains by World of Seeds... N as you sais, several growers reports the same with other strains and seedbanks...: from 10 seeds, maybe 1 keeper if you are lucky, 7- 8 between good n "nothing especial", n 1-2 (or more, je) pure thrash...

Anyway I think n I really hope that your Desfran Dutch Passion isent like my " bad one".
Best whishes!

PD: Mine pics are from the "bad one", but as I said you, it is like the " good one" but with a poor or very poor rosin production
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I started a Destroyer S1 from dutch passion. I only got a few seeds to round off an attitude order while back lol but this plant in veg smells soo good. Got me wanting to get the regs from cannabiogen

Any Desfran (Destroyer-Cannabiogen S1) by Dutch Passion can be compared with the original Destroyer CBG, overall the regular versión.
View attachment 4018731

Colombian Gold '72 from USC. This is the most trippy strain I have run yet. The buzz is all in the head and all up. Visually it gets so intense with colors and all, it can seem surreal. Half an hour of that with quite a overdrive to the mind and then mellows out. Interestingly, I had CG back in 1979 and it was not nearly as good. They picked it early and I think it was crossed with indica by then. Was speedy without anything euphoric or visual either.

That bud is around 4 or 5 inches long and probably weighs about 2 grams without the stem. No weight to it, so easy to see why it went the way of the dodo bird. Extinct in the wild but reborn in my Jurassic tent.

Yeah! You have a real Colombian Golf.
What a interestin cross...
Durban Punch (Durban Poison'70 x South African Ciskei Higlands) has a very potent introspective/upliftin/energetic high: overall the Durban Poison'70 geno.

Yes hopefully get something good, some nice sativas in the mix.

Any Desfran (Destroyer-Cannabiogen S1) by Dutch Passion can be compared with the original Destroyer CBG, overall the regular versión.

I grew one of these s1's out before and in hindsight it was worth growing again imo. My growing skills & indoor equipment have vastly improved since then so I get excited seeing how previously grown strains turn out.