Purifying meth(etc)-contaminated weed


Backstory... I used to get my bud from a buddy in college who grows at home.

He stopped though, since his job now has regular drug testing.
Growing is not an option for me, I live in a shared apartment with enough space for only our beds, and moving is not an option.

So I decided to start trying the local sources.
But this is an underdeveloped 3rd world country full of crooks.
A quick read across some local toker blogs warned of many dealers mixing stuff like meth to make regular customers via addiction.

I really don't want to take that risk though... I don't want to have a physical addiction/dependency... I don't even smoke tobacco...do any of the standard weed methods work for getting any of the "other stuff" out?

Here are methods I used to do... would they work to "purify" it from other addictive substances?
water curing?
rewashed cannabutter? (i.e. remelted and rewatered)


New Member
I don't understand how meth can be mixed into reefer. What country bro? I find this highly unlikely, down here in South Africa some fucktards have started mixing weed with heroin, and also anti-aids drugs, but they label it as such and sell it for what it is. In my experience, that kinda dealer doesn't need to sugar-coat shit or hide his drugs on top of reefer. His customers are pretty straight about what they want.


New Member
Not much of a chance you can hide other drugs on herb, unless I've had my head in the closet waaaay too long...


In any other country, I understand that this would just be a paranoid urban legend.
It wouldn't be even practical for the dealer since weed is the cheapest drug afaik, and anything else to lace it with is much more expensive.

Here in the Philippines though, crystal meth, "shabu" as it is known here, is waay too common (I've had way too many street children approach me selling some), and dirt cheap (they sell as cheap as 5-10 peso amounts, thats around a U.S. dime).

You could probably stand in the middle of the street at night, shout "shabu please" (cops here are rarely in the streets past sunset), and actually have someone sell it to you.

Whereas here in Manila, and all other major cities, not only are weed sellers damn hard to find, but there is NOTHING but schwag.
(tons of posts on the philippine weed forum site confirm this.... can I name other sites?)
You can look everywhere and all you'll find is that bricked or teabagged stuff with seeds, leaves and even branches.
The ONLY place with dank is Baguio/Sagada, which is 12 hours away from civilization.

EVERYONE recommends Sagada. On the Philippine forums, foreigner posts/blogs that visit here... even tokers I found in the local university... they said you won't find anything other than schwag here in the Metro, and they actually reserve entire weekends just to restock (and they wouldn't sell me any). I don't have the time to go on such a trip though.

And it seems the local dealers lace their schwag since the quality is intolerable otherwise.
I don't mind the quality though since I do qwiso and cannabutter.
What I mind is the supposed lacing.

People on the phil. forum (can I name it or is it against the rules?) actually talk about how its common, and how they can tell if its laced with shabu via smell (I'm not experienced enough to do that).

BTW, I found that meth is water soluble... I hope that washing is enough...


Well-Known Member
Back times man. If what you say is true in regards to being water soluble, THC is not. So therefore if you keep your bud submerged in water for couple days then take out and let dry you should be ok.


lol smoke it ... ive never smoked meth but im sure your going to notice ... throw that bitch out ... your not gunna get addicted in one hit


Active Member
Man no self respecting dealer is gonna float your addiction process. They said all that crap in Jr. high and in +25 years I have yet to witness anything close to a bait and switch. In said country do they also slip a free pool to new home buyers in hopes of a future sale? That shit would be advertised and extra cost reflected. I call propaganda it'd be an EXTRA.