purple branches?

okay so one of my three has purple branches and not leaves is this okay or is it badd the leaves are drooping to i know its over watering but the branches dont turn color when there over watered . do they?


Well-Known Member
i have not heard of that before but they can turn purple from being too cold @ night. mine have done that from being too cold when they are sleeping.


Active Member
let me know if you figure this out cause im having the same droopy leafs and reddish purple stems on those leafs. i dont no if its cold tho cause my room never dips below 70 even at night.


Well-Known Member
Some just have that color naturally. This is one of mine, closeups taken two days ago. She's not over or under watered, she isn't deficient in anything, and her room is kept at a steady 78 degrees - note all the side branches are that same color.


This is my first grow and I've experienced the same, I guess I wouldn't say problem, situation and from the information I've gathered it is room temperature thing.
Btw try to keep a log of all the things you encounter and that way you'll always be able to look back in case the situation occurs again.