Purple Bud


New Member
Hey does anybody know of a good way to make your outdoor plant turn purple? Ive been using cold water but its not doing alot.


New Member
Yea thats been helping too. Im also setting ice packs on the dirt in the pot. Like I said its not doing much but im getting a bit of red and purple color on the leaves. Has anybody ever heard of putting a plant in the freezer?


New Member
Yea I usually wouldnt do that. But this is kind of an experimental plant for me and its only like 1 foot tall. She has some decent little buds tho.


New Member
Yea not too worried about that either because its startin to die and i can see the tips of leaves turning brown and curlin up.


Active Member
ya the cold temps outside did that to my plants...it was probably only like in the 40's or 50's so.......
i wouldn't put it in the freezer cuz that would be TOO cold! maybe try the fridge?.....but not for too long:mrgreen: Good Luck!:blsmoke:


Active Member
cold temps at night are the only way to do it and even then not all plants will turn purple in cold weather anyway...i had one turn purple but none of the others did



Well-Known Member
It is the strain not the cold,,,, this has got to be the strangest damm experiment Ive heard of yet on here.... :?


i picked this stuff up at a hydro store, but never got around to using it. i plan on trying it out on a couple of plants next season. its pretty expensive stuff and runs about $30 for the smallest bottle. i think this is also and experimental product, and before using it i would do some reading on it.


Active Member
Well they turn purple not from cold water, stems and trunk turn purple from the cold buds turn purple frpn like soil ph is bout like 4 or under which intrn doesnt let it uptake nutriten or in nature all the chloriful(bad spellin a) will suck out of leaves and go into buds an inturn may turn purple , thats were the brown bud comes from lazy dumb farmers