purple buds using food coloring

Its sad for me when i see these how do i make my buds more purple threads,its sad because it shows how heavily influenced young smokers are by this purple craze or what name the weed has,you guys are missing out on so much goodness focusing on the purple is better deal.

Instead of putting effort twords getting purple weed put that effort into making the strain you have come out at its best possible harvest window.
:mrgreen: with all this focus on bag appeal half of these cats dont know what good weed is....:mrgreen:
what is this bulllshit lol at bag appeal ...........i mean i could spray paint some bud illuminus orange , but whats the point, i dont give a shit what it looks like , as long as it gets me stoned i dont give a fuck , wtf is bag appeal , i can only imagine some teen kids wanting prettty lookin buds ,to erm what show off or something ? i dont know what its like for anyone else but my bags dont last long enought to sit there admiring the fuckin stuff , i get it smoked .
honestly one minuite i think im chatting with matured stoners on riu then a thread like this pops up and i think im back at high school or something lol
I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would want to dye their buds? i love watching my plants grow and thrive but i also love the bud they produce. why ruin what nature created. so my buds are orange and white should i dye them to make them look different? Hell no why waste good bud. Peace:leaf:
i think its bad enough when people taint their bud with that liquid flavor shit. By doing that, or dying your buds, your just being a scammer.

hey guys thanks for the feed back the only reason y i ask becasue i am not on the purple crazz it is all about the bag appeal cause i dont care wat any one says if the buds are purple ppl are goin to pay more thats just a fact and im all about not fucking with my buds an have had desent success i guess it just never hurts to try to make some more money right.
yeah coloring buds is kinda weak but whats the problem with experimenting? i mean we found out the food coloring thing doesn't work but there might be other ways that could effect the taste in a positive way.....im not saying its something that has any use but it would be kinda cool to see a way to color the buds that doesn't effect the taste at all.......gotta admit it might be a little cool to see like a bunch of different colored buds?
so u dont look or smell ur buds how do u no wat ur smoking then man whats up with that????ThE sAtIvA hIgH
hey guys thanks for the feed back the only reason y i ask becasue i am not on the purple crazz it is all about the bag appeal cause i dont care wat any one says if the buds are purple ppl are goin to pay more thats just a fact and im all about not fucking with my buds an have had desent success i guess it just never hurts to try to make some more money right.

Hey im not blaming you one bit,if your customers main focus is on bag appeal & on the more purple the better than i'd most likely do the same thing your thinking of doing,i'd paint the shit out of em with latex paint as long as the boobs loved the stuff,however i was commenting on the sad state those type buyers have left the weed market in,stupid shit like buds being purple makes them worth more money is the reason why the market charges $50 for an 1/8 & $400 ounces,no strain is worth that to educated smokers.We see it all the time where guys are looking for "well known" purple strains to grow,this is not a new thing.

I personally dont think purple weed tastes all that great,to me purple looks awesome growing but in the bag it all looks like dirt weed with some frost on it.

Dont worry though man,stupidity is everywhere,ive got my own bunch of village idiots around my neck of the woods as well,all we gotta do is call the strain "Dro" & it's worth more cash & these are 40 year old men im talking about not pimple poppers.
haha yea i feel you man and here u i would never pay the 400 an oz but its awesome that ppl do haha
have a great day man an kept on toking
90% of the time, purple buds are bruising caused by low temps, and have nothing to do with genetics

haha true, my friend father grew some outdoor and we smoke that, he told me that is some purple, i said "oh yeah it is nice a", but i knew but looking at it that the bud was little purple because of the outdoor low temps at night.
If you ever smoked a purple bud, its not just the color. Its the taste, and the smell. My niggas only smoke purple. As for me its kush. Og to be specific.

Oh, I've smoked purple strains - nothin to write home about. I've had much better.

And if you're manipulating buds to turn purple just so that you can rip some kids off, then you're an ass.

However, if you truly think the color of the bud dictates the quality and that somehow purple buds will make you higher than ever, then you're an idiot.

You kids and your silly fads...
ive never tested this theory, but ive heard from some unreliable sources that if you drop a few drops of grapefruit juice onto a bud, it will expand and get a purple tint. it has to be straight out of a fresh grapefruit.
if you try it tell me how it works...
Oh, I've smoked purple strains - nothin to write home about. I've had much better.

And if you're manipulating buds to turn purple just so that you can rip some kids off, then you're an ass.

However, if you truly think the color of the bud dictates the quality and that somehow purple buds will make you higher than ever, then you're an idiot.

You kids and your silly fads...

if people like purple buds why dont you just let them like purple buds? does it hurt you at all if some naive kids believe purps gets them higher and any other buds?
who cares what other people do