Purple CFl's

diesel mecanix

Active Member
There is already a link on this...and yes he is right they are not blacklights and supposedly they project the perfect spectrum for growing.


Active Member
I have seen those but have also heard they are useless for growing with. Never tried them so I dunno if this is true or not. Give it a go and we will soon see :peace:

btw 25000 is really high in the spectrun and might be ok for veg but doubtful it would be much good for budding. Marine blue is 14000k and suppose to be the bomb for veg so you never know.


Active Member
I am currently building a 1 SQ Meter oval shaped growroom with CFL Setup: Using T5 24w tubes, 3 Purple + 1 Actinic Blue for Vegging, Flowering 5 Red +1 Purple with a 125w Red CFL Centre Light, growing in an oval shaped space, lined with, Mylar Diamond Reflective Sheeting , Grow Medium, Bio Terra Soil, and Earth Juice organic feed, Topmax Organic Bloom Stimulator, After growing "Powerstout" Lowryder hybrids successfully, I am starting the new grow room with 6x Little Red Ryder Hood, 6x LowBerry 6x Lowryder Mint from Dutchbreed, to try a new generations of short autoflowering plants, I will do a diary, as i never tried seeds from these people b4.


Well-Known Member
Yeah this looks like an interesting site.
The cfls in question are professional cfls and not the kind you get from your supermarket for a dollar.
I dont know if anyone else looked as i didnt read all 3 pages of this thread but it states the usefullness of the purple cfls for growing as well as the other colours so that growers that choose good cfls can buy the correct colour bulbs for the different sections and stages of their planrs grow areas.
Here is the link to that site again in case anyone wants it.
A very good site i think.

nlite cfl's

And here is their cfl colour usefullness chart that shows how to mix and match your cfls to achieve the best results.
Its worth remembering that pro grow cfls are much much better than shop bought rubbish:blsmoke:



New Member
Yea man..anything purple, Blue, Orange and Red are all good..i used a 20 watt purple and 20 watt orange fish tank lights to grow threw out veg..u jus have to put them close since cfls give off no heat.:joint:


Active Member
Looks like a great spectrum, its only purple because of the red and blue mixture (not UV purple black light spectrum) at what looks like the perfect grow spectrum of photo A,B cartenoids, etc. Actually, if this bulb is as efficient in enegery distrib as a 2700k, then it may be more efficient. The prob with it for MJ budding half of its color is in the blue and the other half in red. Would be very similar to a having a MH and HPS going at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I want to use a purple cfl all the way through, space is,
5' high
20" deep
3' wide
any thoughts or knowledge on this.

many thanks for all responses S
You should use a black light, some cool strobe lights and a disco ball! Your plants wont grow, but you can trip balls while trying to figure that out!
A purple CFL will blow HID lighting out of the water. The spectrum is tuned to the plants needs, like led, but with a fuller spectrum. So in essence, these lights are better than anything except induction.