(?) purple / dark spot marks on sugar leaves - outdoor (wk 4, flower)


Active Member
week 4 into outdoor flower (~ 2ft, bagseed, unknown "kush" strain)

As of yesterday afternoon I noticed these dark purple / black spots + marks on a few top sugar leaves (as per photos), any idea?

I gave the plant a feed just before (last one was ~ 2 days ago), just in case it's a micro deficiency of some form.

Had a google and came by 'alternaria', but I was told by an experienced family member not to worry about it being that and likely a micro deficiency (i.e. calcium), and not a big deal, just watch it and maybe give it a feed.

The plant has been doing well, each morning looks a bit better - the calyxes are swelling as of past few days. Besides these odd marks appearing as of yesterday on 2-3 sugar leaves, quite happy.



Active Member
The dark marks haven't appeared to have gotten too much worse, just has affected a couple of the top sugar leaves slightly (on both main colas). I still have no idea what it is, assuming weather related.

Also how she looking for 5wks in? Could I expect any decent calyx swelling and trichome development still? Hope it can get a bit more dense and sugary, the stigma is a bit deceiving, especially at a distance


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Active Member
Those dark spots are coming back mildly on a few sugar leaves. Still can't figure it out, as weather has been ideal.. maybe phosphorus? Would be great if someone can help a bit here lol first grow and at the last few weeks and don't want to f it. It's only a 2ft bagseed but it's my first grow and want to try and get a decent sesh out of it (~ 1oz)

This is how it's looking today in wk 6 (not sure if wk 7 tbh.. depending on pre-flower stage or from stretch)

i'm really hoping for the buds to thicken up more.. pic 1 at the bottom gives an idea how dense it is atm




Well-Known Member
You're just being a nervous nellie man. A couple spots on a leaf here and there especially on an outdoor plant is nothing.

Everything looks fine from those pics so chillax and let her do her thing.



Active Member
lol took onboard the advice about the dark spots and being a nervous nellie man - haven't got any worse, either. So all sweet.

Just have a few Q's for anyone that has a good idea of:

1. how much longer (visually gauging from pics below) does it have left of flower till harvest - 1-2 weeks? I'm confused what stage of flower..

2. start using 1/2 strength nutes at this stage, or no nutes for a flush?

3. continue to use molasses at this stage of development?

I still have transparent trichomes under a 30x loupe, 10-20% cloudy (if that), no amber yet.. So definitely not ripe. Also notice more thick white stigma shooting out of calyxes still - not sure if that's normal or due to environmental factors. Have like 3-5 stigma / pistols shooting out of single calyxes, too. maybe mild heat stress or something.

Appreciate it guys, nearly there

