Purple diesel from Medicinal Organics


Well-Known Member
(DaPurpsXNYC Diesel) starts turning purple 14 days into flower , dime size nugs 14 days in. finishes in 6-8 weeks. I pulled these 50 days in. Pulled the fans off right b4 i harvested these 2.
Looks dank man
i like your air pruning pots, how do you like them? im using smartpots but saw these a while back and have considered switching ever since :]
i love the airpots ! if you can get them , its worth it .! I used geo pots last time (smiliar to smart pots), they were alright but i wanted to get into airpots and found a guy selling them used at half price. ! These are 2.7 liter pots (just under 3gal) brand new they cost about 6.00 , i got 50 of them for a half O of sour D !. (which i got for cheap) !

the thing I didnt' like about smart pots and geo pots is that they sit on the ground. When you water that moisture is almost "trapped" between the pot and the ground. With these airpots, the pot itself is elevated off the ground about 1/4 inch leaving airflow underneath your pot. That was 1 thing i really liked about the air pot. I will def. use these forever !