Purple Durban 250hps 2nd grow


Well-Known Member
so i bought a bag of wut i was told was purple durban, it looked like a purple a decent purple strain and wasnt as tastey but very stoney. low and behold i got 13 seeds.

i have 4 started and i will have pics coming.

i have 2 bigger ones(about 4 weeks old) under the hps and they yellowed and slightly stunted, but they are coming back.

the other two are under a generic flourescent grow lamp and are doing fantastic and about 3 weeks behind the other two.

im looking for any strain specific information, ive been googling but cant find much more than random junk in other forums. i ran into the name purple durban poison, is that a different strain? it very well could be.

i havent used any nutes at all. other than some bone meal. ill invest in some fox farm or biobizz. not sure yet.

seeds ive always had iffy luck especially inside. compared to my past luck with seeds at this time im doing okay, except for the yellow. which easily could have been the bone meal, even tho i didnt use much.

this will be a continual small grow as soon as i find a nice strong female. i am better at growing from my own cuttings.

welcome to the grow ladies and gentlemen, lets keep it clean!



Well-Known Member
i added a heat pad set to about 75 degrees today. the soil is cold to the touch, but its like 2 degrees outside. its also dry as hell. im trying to reproduce some of the summer time qualities.

who thought growing indoors would still change season to season. atleast for me it is. ive been trying different methods to get the humidity up without much luck.

tax returns are right around the corner though! im gonna be getting some new gear and maybe buying/constructing a tent for bigger flowering space. i dont mind vegging with cfl and flowering with my 250 hps. even tho i may see if i can buy a 400 hps from a friend.

i may throw in my one and only hashberry seed if i do have a second room built.


Well-Known Member
well im gonna go to the hydro store in the next few days and buy the line they suggest, ive heard good things about a store a little ways away. wut to say, not say. so i feel confident going in. this keeps me completely paper and online transaction free. i guess im a little paranoid.

if they have bio-bizz im gonna lean in that direction, i know they carry fox farm, and i would gladly try their line. which ive heard has been taken off the organic list. i dont mind going semi-organic for a couple grows. i know aslong as i flush its still gonna taste fine.

the plants themselves have really turned around, ill post pictures shortly.


Well-Known Member
plants look good...but start a light feeding, u see the yellow looking one? i beleave thats from a lack of mag..u can put epsom salt in a spray bottle: 1 tsp per gal...and spray them...or just start a 1/4 strangth nutes every other day and work it up from there..get a ppm meter that will help.....dont take my word this is just what i leleave from looking at or plants,good luck and peace..meangreen.


Well-Known Member
Durban is a african landrace sativa. so i bet it gets tall as fuck.. maybe the cross with the purple will keep it short but watch out for that


Well-Known Member
Durban is a african landrace sativa. so i bet it gets tall as fuck.. maybe the cross with the purple will keep it short but watch out for that

good to know. ive wondered how tall they will get, ill prolly attempt some lst, or top em like crazy.

not really sure.


Well-Known Member
if your still in veg there is a product called bushmaster, its a foliar spray and it will burn your plants very easily but it will reduce the stretching


Well-Known Member
unknown sex plants at about 6 weeks. im gonna try to take a few cuttings from each, then flower to find sex. if i find a female, she will become a mother, and i will hack her to bits for as many clones as i can get.

hopes to put some of these out in the spring. these are some tough plants.

the 2 i let die, i just left in the dark. things grew 6 more inches in the dark in a weeks time!

anyway thanks for staying tuned, im much more happy with these plants, and i have a better veg chamber.



Well-Known Member
so a little less than a week ago i discovered pollen sacks on one of my plants. i really didnt know a plant would show sex without being put into flowering. i had a friend looking for a male, so i held a for a few days. today i look, there is pollen and one open sack. talk about growing like a weed.

this strain is tough! it may work out great, more seeds! i took clones about 4 days ago. this means they were never exposed to the pollen. so if everything works out they way im thinking it will. ill have one huge female possibly pollinated, and 4 clones of her.

ill show pictures in a few more days.


Well-Known Member
photo update.

just growing, got a set of cuttings almost ready to go into veg. tomorrow ill take another 6 to 8 off the mother.

she is pictured below, kinda lanky, but she will do just fine for being a mother plant. also pictured are some of her preflowers, and some of the clones that are about a week and a half old.

in the next few days i will be replacing a light fixture, the lights keep going out randomly in that one. when i do that i will add some fans and possibly a few cfls hanging for some better light penetration.

stay tuned! :peace:



Well-Known Member
oh yes! i took 10 more clones off my mother this morning. potted up 4 into veg.

just a note. i will never use peat pods again for cuttings. taking forever to root. it was all i had at the time. they are growing but slowly. they are the discs that you soak and the plump up. they work fine for seeds, but these 4 cuttings took forever to turn around.

also hooked up a heat pad for my clone box. the temp is hanging around in the 60's if i could get it to the 70's i think the rooting will pick up the pace.

my goal is to have between 20 and 30 small plants to put outdoors for the summer.


Well-Known Member
so ive been growing this plant for roughly 6 or 7 weeks.

ive have taken a total of 32 cuttings. half are rooted and vegging, the other are pretty much rooted, or freshly cut. ive had a 100% success rate. so since ive already reached my goal of 30 plants. now im gonna start flowering, even tho ill still take a few cuttings every couple weeks.

i began tying down or using some weight to my 4 oldest cuttings. i will flower them, under a 400 hps. im borrowing it, and its a remote ballast, so im thinking even tho im jumping up from 250 to 400 my room may be cooler than last grow. :-P

pictured are the outside of my clone box (diaper box), and my veg chamber(big black thing). then you can see the mother with some cuttings, and a few close ups.
(waiting for picture upload to work.) will get pics up soon.

ive been reading up, but would like to hear some opinions. transferring indoor plants to outdoor. i imagine full sun will freak em out at first.

not sure if im gonna do buckets or put em in the ground. any feedback at all is appreciated!

stay tuned, once we get budding its gonna get crazy. indoor/outdoor soon just call me loadeddragon


Well-Known Member
HAHA actually that's genius. if you cant tell I like Cheap growing. For personal use, I'm not that concerned on "GETTING MAXIMUM YIELD"