Purple Durban 250hps 2nd grow

Musical Suicide

New Member
so bomb, durban poison has been my favorite for years! although I cant find it anymore...I'm going to get some seeds soon I hope! Cant wait to see the finished product!


Well-Known Member
Hey guy;) Stopped by to check progress of seedless plant to find you now have seeds. :shock: I'm sorry, GRRRRRRRR So whatcha' gonna do? Maybe make some hash or something out of what you salvaged? I dunno, will it be worth it? I'm asking not being derogatory. No clue bout these things. But I think a hermie plant has more THC than a male for sure. I read somewhere males only have about 1%. Gonna grow something else? Have a great evening, MJ


Well-Known Member
i have my one hashberry seed germinating now. if that goes, and is a female ill be very happy.

ill get wut i can from seeds out of this plant. but will never try to flower out a herm again. i suggest no one else do it either, unless you are looking for hundreds of seeds.


Well-Known Member
picture update.

here you can see my cross dressing bitch of a plant. getting ready to dump a load of seed all over my room.

you can also see my questionable clones who came from the cross dressing bitch of a mother herm cock and ball bitch ass! check out that canopy! i did some bending and pinching all over the place. lol

then a light at the tunnel.

my germing hashberry seed sprouted a root 2 days ago. i popped it in the dirt and now we got some breakthrough.

cross your fingers everyone and hope its a female lol

as for all those clones, i still wanna stick em outside somewhere. thinking about making a patch and just leaving em. within a few years it should be a natural weed patch when they reseed themselves.

who knows really i just know i got 25 clones that have the possibility of germing, and i love them so much! i dont wanna just toss em.

any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
picture update.

here you can see my cross dressing bitch of a plant. getting ready to dump a load of seed all over my room.

you can also see my questionable clones who came from the cross dressing bitch of a mother herm cock and ball bitch ass! check out that canopy! i did some bending and pinching all over the place. lol

then a light at the tunnel.

my germing hashberry seed sprouted a root 2 days ago. i popped it in the dirt and now we got some breakthrough.

cross your fingers everyone and hope its a female lol

as for all those clones, i still wanna stick em outside somewhere. thinking about making a patch and just leaving em. within a few years it should be a natural weed patch when they reseed themselves.

who knows really i just know i got 25 clones that have the possibility of germing, and i love them so much! i dont wanna just toss em.

any suggestions?
I hope you meant rooting or else you will be added to Loudblunts signature haha


Well-Known Member
Oh alright I gotcha dude. I have a 250 watt grow also if you want to check it out the link is in my signature


Well-Known Member
picture update.

"here you can see my cross dressing bitch of a plant. getting ready to dump a load of seed all over my room.
you can also see my questionable clones who came from the cross dressing bitch of a mother herm cock and ball bitch ass!"

Wow, tell us how you really feel Slammin'...LOL

"check out that canopy! i did some bending and pinching all over the place. lol"

Your clones look fabulous Slammin'!! I actually read a thread on here somewhere where someone had a hermie & either planted the seeds or cloned & actually ended up with females. I do recall the discussion was whether the herm was a genetic flaw or by grower error...seemed to be the opinion in the thread that herms from grower error were more likely to succeed in female sex. You gonna keep em? They sure look nice...I know you must be sick having to make that decision!

"then a light at the tunnel.
my germing hashberry seed sprouted a root 2 days ago. i popped it in the dirt and now we got some breakthrough.
cross your fingers everyone and hope its a female lol"

Fingers are crossed for a fem hashberry;)

as for all those clones, i still wanna stick em outside somewhere. thinking about making a patch and just leaving em. within a few years it should be a natural weed patch when they reseed themselves.

who knows really i just know i got 25 clones that have the possibility of germing, and i love them so much! i dont wanna just toss em.

any suggestions?
I'll be watching with you on the "any suggestions"part...prolly gonna get interesting, LOL



Well-Known Member
so ive picked out my spot, at the end of the week im gonna put out my possible herm clones.

right now im hardening them off, to go outside. its pretty chilly at night and they have been in a 24/7 lighted grow cabinet. so i have them on my porch. some leaves yellowed last night, but thats okay. saturday early morning i will be digging my holes using composted manure and hummus(just an experiment, and it was really cheap). ill check em in a couple months if they are seedy ill probably just leave em to re seed and become their own pot patch.

the place ive picked looks like it gets nice run off. i wont have to worry much about watering. the particular spot is in a clearing but very thick spot to get to. the morning of the planting will be a long one.

the seeded plant ive have flushed. im getting ready to harvest it. its the bare minimum but im not worried about that. im not gonna grow a seeded plant. ill pull some of the seeds, and collect wut i can for hash. it is quite crystally.

other news my hashberry is nice and big. i just potted it into a 6 inch pot. im gonna veg it for another 3 weeks. then start flowering. hopefully its a female and we can get some kind of SOG going.

i kept a couple of the cuttings from herm, they havent showed sex. ill flower them in a couple days. if they show balls they are gone!

this thread i assume will be slowing down, i may take a couple quick pictures out in the woods when i plant.

if this hashberry turns out female ill start a new thread.

thanks for reading!

