Well-Known Member
Hi Guys. This will be my first journal on RIU even though I have been here
for a while.
About a month ago, I bought (5) 8' 2x4 posts, and 50ft of 5' tall rabbit fencing and built a little fenced in garden. I wouldn't need a fence If I didn't have a damn Husky that digs and destroys everything when she is outside alone and none of the other dogs want to play with her.
Before that, I had plans on paper of what I wanted to grow and where it would be planted. So, after the fence was up, I bought some seeds. I had some stuff in our cabinet that was growable so I planted it; which was White Popcorn, Great Northern Beans, and Peanuts. (and my grandpa also gave me some speckled butter beans because he loves those)
I bought these seeds from the store and planted them also:
Cilantro, jalapeno, squash, cucumber, watermelon, sweet spanish yellow utah jumbo onion, cantaloupe, Big Beef Tomato Hybrid (these were hybrid, and I heard these don't produce seeds, which sucks), pumpkin, and sweet basil.
I also bought peat pots to start the seedlings inside, because just 2 weeks ago, it was cold!!! Now its over 70 degrees!!!
So, after everything started coming up I started to put it outside.
Some of my little seedlings died, and some didn't. So then I had to plant MORE and what died.
So as of now, almost everything is doing pretty well. Oh, I forgot to say the garden is 12x12.
Pretty small for all of that stuff!!!!!

Anywho, the corn look like they could have some type of deficiency. Not sure though.
I water every day because when it gets hot, I will have to start watering 2-3 times a day because the sun is strong here. (I live in the low desert area in CA)
I also bought potting soil a few days ago and transplanted more seedlings.
Obviously, the seedlings that were transplanted with potting soil are doing much better than the ones that weren't.
I will get pics up as soon as I figure out how.
One more thing, I will be adding a little extension on the garden area for the watermelon and cantaloupe. Because pumpkins, squash, and cucumbers all grow on vines and thats way too much for that little space plus all the other veggies. I am going to put cages around the squash and cukes so they grow up with the cage instead of all over the rest of the garden area.
And oh, I bought a bell pepper plant, a honeydew plant, and 2 tomato plants from the college. (Plant sale)
One of the transplanted tomatoes doesn't look to good. Hopefully things will be looking up. I am attempting to clone a part of that plant that snapped off.
Also, my neighbor gave me a cutting of his grapevine, since no one up here sells grapevine seedlings. I am also attempting to root that also. Any tips on rooting these things? I have them in red solo cups, with clear plastic over the top of the cup to hold the cuttings, with clear cups over the plant for humidity domes.
I want to plant garlic also. Do I just plant the whole clove in the soil?
for a while.

About a month ago, I bought (5) 8' 2x4 posts, and 50ft of 5' tall rabbit fencing and built a little fenced in garden. I wouldn't need a fence If I didn't have a damn Husky that digs and destroys everything when she is outside alone and none of the other dogs want to play with her.

Before that, I had plans on paper of what I wanted to grow and where it would be planted. So, after the fence was up, I bought some seeds. I had some stuff in our cabinet that was growable so I planted it; which was White Popcorn, Great Northern Beans, and Peanuts. (and my grandpa also gave me some speckled butter beans because he loves those)
I bought these seeds from the store and planted them also:
Cilantro, jalapeno, squash, cucumber, watermelon, sweet spanish yellow utah jumbo onion, cantaloupe, Big Beef Tomato Hybrid (these were hybrid, and I heard these don't produce seeds, which sucks), pumpkin, and sweet basil.
I also bought peat pots to start the seedlings inside, because just 2 weeks ago, it was cold!!! Now its over 70 degrees!!!
So, after everything started coming up I started to put it outside.
Some of my little seedlings died, and some didn't. So then I had to plant MORE and what died.

So as of now, almost everything is doing pretty well. Oh, I forgot to say the garden is 12x12.
Pretty small for all of that stuff!!!!!

Anywho, the corn look like they could have some type of deficiency. Not sure though.
I water every day because when it gets hot, I will have to start watering 2-3 times a day because the sun is strong here. (I live in the low desert area in CA)
I also bought potting soil a few days ago and transplanted more seedlings.
Obviously, the seedlings that were transplanted with potting soil are doing much better than the ones that weren't.
I will get pics up as soon as I figure out how.
One more thing, I will be adding a little extension on the garden area for the watermelon and cantaloupe. Because pumpkins, squash, and cucumbers all grow on vines and thats way too much for that little space plus all the other veggies. I am going to put cages around the squash and cukes so they grow up with the cage instead of all over the rest of the garden area.
And oh, I bought a bell pepper plant, a honeydew plant, and 2 tomato plants from the college. (Plant sale)
One of the transplanted tomatoes doesn't look to good. Hopefully things will be looking up. I am attempting to clone a part of that plant that snapped off.
Also, my neighbor gave me a cutting of his grapevine, since no one up here sells grapevine seedlings. I am also attempting to root that also. Any tips on rooting these things? I have them in red solo cups, with clear plastic over the top of the cup to hold the cuttings, with clear cups over the plant for humidity domes.
I want to plant garlic also. Do I just plant the whole clove in the soil?
Basil.jpg68.6 KB · Views: 33
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