Purple K's 2009 Veggie Garden


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys. This will be my first journal on RIU even though I have been here
for a while. ;)

About a month ago, I bought (5) 8' 2x4 posts, and 50ft of 5' tall rabbit fencing and built a little fenced in garden. I wouldn't need a fence If I didn't have a damn Husky that digs and destroys everything when she is outside alone and none of the other dogs want to play with her. :evil:

Before that, I had plans on paper of what I wanted to grow and where it would be planted. So, after the fence was up, I bought some seeds. I had some stuff in our cabinet that was growable so I planted it; which was White Popcorn, Great Northern Beans, and Peanuts. (and my grandpa also gave me some speckled butter beans because he loves those)

I bought these seeds from the store and planted them also:

Cilantro, jalapeno, squash, cucumber, watermelon, sweet spanish yellow utah jumbo onion, cantaloupe, Big Beef Tomato Hybrid (these were hybrid, and I heard these don't produce seeds, which sucks), pumpkin, and sweet basil.

I also bought peat pots to start the seedlings inside, because just 2 weeks ago, it was cold!!! Now its over 70 degrees!!!

So, after everything started coming up I started to put it outside.
Some of my little seedlings died, and some didn't. So then I had to plant MORE and what died. :-?

So as of now, almost everything is doing pretty well. Oh, I forgot to say the garden is 12x12.

Pretty small for all of that stuff!!!!! :? :? :?

Anywho, the corn look like they could have some type of deficiency. Not sure though.

I water every day because when it gets hot, I will have to start watering 2-3 times a day because the sun is strong here. (I live in the low desert area in CA)
I also bought potting soil a few days ago and transplanted more seedlings.
Obviously, the seedlings that were transplanted with potting soil are doing much better than the ones that weren't.

I will get pics up as soon as I figure out how.

One more thing, I will be adding a little extension on the garden area for the watermelon and cantaloupe. Because pumpkins, squash, and cucumbers all grow on vines and thats way too much for that little space plus all the other veggies. I am going to put cages around the squash and cukes so they grow up with the cage instead of all over the rest of the garden area.

And oh, I bought a bell pepper plant, a honeydew plant, and 2 tomato plants from the college. (Plant sale)

One of the transplanted tomatoes doesn't look to good. Hopefully things will be looking up. I am attempting to clone a part of that plant that snapped off.

Also, my neighbor gave me a cutting of his grapevine, since no one up here sells grapevine seedlings. I am also attempting to root that also. Any tips on rooting these things? I have them in red solo cups, with clear plastic over the top of the cup to hold the cuttings, with clear cups over the plant for humidity domes.

I want to plant garlic also. Do I just plant the whole clove in the soil?


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Here are what the pictures are in order:

1. Basil
2. Great Northern beans,
3. Bell pepper,
4. Speckled Butter beans
5. The weak Corn (I think it may have a deficiency)
6. Tomato cutting I'm trying to root
7. egg plant
8. grapevine cutting
9. healthy corn
10. honeydew
11. jalapenos
12. onion
13. peanut
14. tomato seedlings
15. potting soil
16. squash
17. weak tomato transplant
18. watermelon
19. I'm pretty sure you can guess what this is!!!!
Its my boyfriends first plant.

I don't have a picture of the Cilantro, because I just planted the seeds
2 days ago and they haven't popped. But, everything you see I personally planted by seed except the ones I bought from the college. I think the hardest thing were the onions and jalapenos. The seeds are freaking TINY.

Oh, if anyone wants to see the fence around the garden, tell me and I will post a pic. Me and my boyfriend Built it ourselves. =) it was hard trying to get everything straight.

a grapevine cutting that's sweet. i think if your going to root it from water an air pump might be helpful. Yea you just put the whole garlic clove in the soil, you might want to let the garlic glove sit out in the sun for a day to release the moisture from it; otherwise could cause root mold while growing. Look like you got a good mix of plants in your garden, hope everything turns out well.
a grapevine cutting that's sweet. i think if your going to root it from water an air pump might be helpful. Yea you just put the whole garlic clove in the soil, you might want to let the garlic glove sit out in the sun for a day to release the moisture from it; otherwise could cause root mold while growing. Look like you got a good mix of plants in your garden, hope everything turns out well.

I don't have an airpump. =(

Anything else I can do for the cutting? It still hasn't grown roots, although
its not dying or withering. If it isn't dying, and it isn't growing roots, what the heck is it doing?

Any suggestions?
Peanuts would be cool as hell. You should definitely keep posting, I will check it out as the summer progresses. Check out my idea too, if you like https://www.rollitup.org/gardening/190630-summer-garden-plan-tobbacco-within.html

I actually had some peanuts growing before, but, as always, my husky
got to it outside. Thats why I promised myself I wouldn't even start

planting seeds until I got that fence up. :hump::hump::hump:

Its funny because my husky hasn't even tried digging by it. ;-)

I put chickenwire
all around the perimeter so her, or any other critters get to my veggies.:mrgreen:

Now for a little update on the garden....

Pics will be up later after I get some homework done. The squash are growing VERY fast. My transplanted tomatoes are doing great as well, they

both have about 2 1/2 new sets of new leaves coming in. And oh, did I tell you I left my gate half open and something (assuming it was a squirrel, the gate was barely cracked and the garden is fenced in with rabbit wire, so..) got in there and ate most of one of my transplanted tomato plants?!?!?! OMG, I was pissed. And it took a leaf off of my healthiest, biggest, and brightest Scarlett runner bean plant! GRRR!!!:evil::evil::evil:

I planted more great northern beans and all of them came up within four days, I think there about 2-3 that will pop in the next two days. I was thinking about planting some beans (red) on the front part of the garden to give the rest of them a shade break when the weather gets hot. And here it gets to 115 degrees very easily most days in the mid-late summer. And I'm thinking about getting a trellis. =)
Because I really want success with my jalapenos, and I hear those scorch
easily, so yeah.

I killed some corn plants, I think about 2. They were 3 1/2 weeks old, and were only an inch and a half tall. And were experiencing some yellowing of the leaves and purple edges. So, I think they were stunted because they
were transplanted in dirt, no soil. And our dirt is clay...:spew:

not good for the roots when they can't expand. So, I dug a little
trough in the ground, filled it 3/4 hay, and put some soil on top. Dropped about 15 corn kernels on, and put a little bit of dirt on top of the soil. The wind is pretty strong here in the valley and if I didn't put dirt, the soil would blow away.

I killed one of my cuke seedlings, I could tell he wasn't going to make it because he was wilting and yellowing. I'm wondering if I should get my dirt tested, or just do what I've been doing and keep planting seeds in soil.

The smaller peanut plant sprouted a new set of leaves. So did some of the older great northern beans.

My tiny tomatoes are starting on their new set of leaves. I'm proud!!!!

Pumpkins are doing great of course, they love it up here. They're a very heat sturdy plant.

The watermelons and cantaloupe are still in the cups. But, since they
are in clear cups, and sun isn't good for roots, I buried the cups in the ground loosely. Their roots are beginning to show when you look at the cup.

My eggplant leaves somewhat curled up, I think it was outgrowing the container because it also sprouted 2 new leaves. So I transplanted it in the back of the garden.

My onions are doing ok. The one I started from a set is getting HUGE. :-)
So I planted another behind the peanuts since there is no more room in the onion mound. I would like to build a box so I can add more loose soil when the onions get bigger. So I get big onions.... mmm. I love fresh cut onions in salsa, and especially tacos de carne asada!!! :-P

With all the veggies I'm growing (lets hope they all survive) I could make
the best fresh pico de gallo and salsa. MMM!!!

How does fresh spaghetti sauce taste like? Becase remember, I'm growing
basil too... It smells good actually.

Clinatro still haven't sprouted, the germination period is 14-21 days, just like the jalapenos.

And the bell pepper plant is all good. Getting bigger.

Ok, I got homework to do. I will be back later with pictures. :peace:

Oh, I forgot to say, my boyfriend and I now have a total of 3 healthy
little cannabis seedlings!!!!

They are outside and are doing great. Growth is steady, they're standing up straight,
and the oldest one is on its second set of leaves.

I also had forgot I had germinated some bag seeds last week, and left them in my cabinet. When I checked on
them, they had the cotyledons on them already!!!! I accidentally broke one, the tap root was about 3 inches long!!!!

One I got planted without breaking, and the leaves are getting greener. It is in the windowsill. I will wait til that little
gal is hardened off to outside before I post pics. Or lets some all four of them are gals!
Lets see a pic of the fence. I am putting mine in this weekend so I would like an idea of how it looks. Everything sounds excellent!
Ok, now for a little update. I took these pictures yesterday but never uploaded them because I got lazy. But here they are. I didn't take pics

of everything this time. Got lazy on that too. lol. Here goes.

I started all the veggies on some miracle grow plant food. When I looked at the bottle it said it was 12-4-8. For some reason that doesn't look right. I need to buy something different. All Home Depot sells is fucking MG. Its annoying.

Great Northern beans: only about 2 more to come up!!! They are all looking great and very green. (I can tell because the ground will have cracks right where the bean is ready to come up)

Peanuts: The older peanut is still putting on new leaves, but the older leaves seem to be scorched. Dunno why, but they will be fine. The smaller peanut is the one in the picture I posted. Wanted to show off the new leaves.

Cukes: Still growing, but could be doing better. Sadly, the three in the picture all won't survive. I am gonna look at which one looks the healthiest, and pull the weaker two sometime next week. After that, the stronger one should take off since it will no longer be sharing water and soil with two other seedlings.

Onions: The ones I started from seeds are doing ok. I say ok because they aren't dying, but I wish they would grow a lot faster.

Squash: The squash are the biggest plants out there besides the eggplant. They are thriving!!!

Jalapenos: Are FINALLY starting on their second set of leaves. They're tiny. I circled them in the pic. They look very healthy and bright green.

Corn: Like I said, I killed two, and just as those were gone, 3 I previously planted came up and are almost as big as the ones I killed!!! Still waiting for the others I just planted to come up.

Scarlett Runner Beans: I got a pic of the one that got robbed for a leaf. :cry:
The others are doing well though. Did I tell you about a week ago, I pulled a bean out and it was growing INTO the ground instead of up?! lol. So gently pulled him up and he is nice and green from finally getting some sunlight instead of growing under the dirt. lol.

Pumpkin: two words.....doing great.
Gourds do really good up here for some reason.

Cantaloupe & watermelon
: Cants and melons are all steadily getting new leaves. I need to really start working on the additional garden space so I can transplant them already.

Honeydew:This was a seedling I bought from that plant sale at the college. I thought it was dying, but it has a new leaf. I'm thinking its just acting weird because it needs to go in a bigger pot already. Need to do that asap. :-?

Eggplant: I transplanted this little buddy I think what was yesterday. Can't really remember. Its responding well. I just noticed 2 days ago that when I first bought it, it only had 2 big leaves. Now it has 4!!! Why didn't I notice it. I think its because I'm out there all day starting at them. lmao.

Can't wait for this to grow out. My grandma makes the best eggplant parmesan.

Bell Pepper: I also bought this little buddy from the plant sale. I transplanted him today before heading off to school. It was still perfectly
fine when I came home.

Tomatoes: doing better than I thought they would be at this point. The one that was eaten up is growing back wonderfully. Greener than when I got him from the plant sale.

Tomatoes (2)
: These ones are the ones I planted by seed, some are starting on their second leaf set. =)

Still teeny tiny little things they are....

Funny thing is, I don't eat raw tomatoes. But I love what you can create from them..... spaghetti, chilaquiles, ketchup, salsa, pico de gallo and so much more!!!

I hope I'm not forgetting anything. lol. Well here are some pics.

1. Transplanted Tomato
2. All the new beans that just came up. (great northern)
3. Eggplant.
4. Cukes
5. Little peanut plant
6. Onion (from set, not seed)
7. Squash
8. Jalapenos. I tried to point out the new leaves finally coming in.
9. Scarlett Runner Beans.
10. Corn
11. Pumpkin
12. Tomatoes (2). Try to look at the tiny leaves coming in between the cotyledons.
13. My doggies!!!

I think I will post pics of the weed too. I put the one with the 3 inch taproot outside today, the heat didn't even
phase it!!! =)

Can someone tell me why it seems that weed grows faster than most other plants besides seaweed?
lol (seaweed can grow up to a foot a day for those who didn't know)


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A few pics of the little plants we are growing. When my boyfriend gets the
room set up, they will go inside. Until then, they are outdoor.


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Here are some pics of the garden fence.

And omg!! My neighbor gave me a HUMONGOUS grape vine.
It took almost 45 min to dig it up because it was growing on
another fruit tree and totally took over some parts of the tree.

Its about 12 feet long, and 8 feet high. It is kinda withering because
its hot outside and I had to dig up a pretty nice sized hole to fit in the roots. Now I don't need that grapevine cutting that went completely
rotten anyway. He also gave me another grape vine that is about 3 feet wide and 6 feet high. This small one I actually transplanted inside the garden. Will post pics later of that little one. Hopefully they perk up. I gave the really big grapevine a gallon and a half of a Vitamin-B solution for transplanting.

The really big grape vine already had hundreds of little grape
heads forming!!!! I will get a close up of that if they survive the summer. My neighbor said if the grapes die this year, they might come back next year if I take really good care of it.


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So, yesterday after the very big grapevine was transplanted, it
only started to look even more sad.


I really want success with this huge grapevine because.....
well, I LOVE grapes, and I like to garden.

Is there anything I can do for it but wait and see if it
perks up???

I'm thinking I will give it some more Vitamin-B transplanting solution.

The one in the garden isn't as big as I thought. Its about 4 1/2 feet
tall and stretches about 2 ft wide. That one has perked up significantly.

The green vines no longer feel soft and withered, they are nice and
strong and I hope it starts to grow. Will update with pics in about 3 more days. And oh, the squash are getting frikking big.

Will anyone need any extra squash in a couple months???
lmao. Because five squash plants is more than enough for
me and my family.

I know the feeling. I transplanted some bean plants that I got from a local nursery into my garden, and nearly all have withered up! The other plants are fine, but the beans are in a sorry state. No idea what could be wrong, but the more that die, the more room there will be for tobacco. Good luck and post it if you find out what you could do/ could have done for that grape vine :peace:
growing now, so is the honeydew. Pumpkins doing good. I have to kill one
today. =( to give the other room to grow.

Transplanted Tomato Plants: doing great, its hot outside so they leaves
are cupping a bit.

Tomatoes from Seed: my tomato plants are no longer tiny. They
are about 5 inches tall, and I need to kill some of these. Or
transplant them. I only need 1 every foot or so, so some will have to go.

Great Northern Beans
: Could be doing better, looks like the heat is a bit
much for them.

Eggplant is doing ok.

Bell pepper looks heat stressed.

Update Finished. Now for pictures.


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RIU keeps telling me I can't upload pictures. I will try again.

(30 minutes later)

Well, it won't let me upload them. Maybe I can try photobucket.
Nope, thats way too slow.

Sorry guys. Pics up Next time.
Sorry about the crappy update last time.

RIU wasn't letting me upload pictures.
Its been a while and all of the plants are doing

great. The tomato plants are starting to get flowers,
the the zucchini are starting to get more and more flowers

and zucchini. I fried one up last week and it was VERY good.
Fresh out the garden flavor. I started giving the garden

regular nute feedings with my B.C starter success kit. The
birds refuse to stop eating my plants, so its either

a scarecrow, or party streamers to scare them off. Enough talk,
here are some pics. My peanuts are starting to bloom, but they

look crappy because the birds have eaten the leaves almost completely
off. GRR!!! I hate fucking birds.

This is all on the new camera.


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Rollitup is retarted or something. It won't let
me upload more than 4 pictures without

giving me a message about a missing token or something.


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Just keep watering your grape vine, it's not dead. I transplanted one earlier this year and everybody kept telling me it was dead but few days ago, new growth started all over! Shows how much faith they have! I wish we could grow grapes here that didn't suck, Scuppernong grapes are pretty boring >< Also if you find red bugs of any kind chewing the flowers off of your yellow veggies just douse them with some dish detergent/laundry detergent water and it'll have them all gone the next day.
I know I haven't posted in forever, but
I decided to take some pics this morning

and post them for anyone who is still subscribed
to see how the garden is doing.

I was robbed of my biggest tomato yesterday.
Fucking crows. and this time I know it wasn't a sparrow, because that tomato weighed at least a pound or more, and those little sparrows wouldn't be able to carry that off.
But finally got the scarecrow up today.










