Purple K's 2009 Veggie Garden

sweet, i was wondering what happened to you...garden looks like it did really well, congrats :mrgreen:

about your tomatoes tho, looks like they got affected by the leaf hopper pests (makes the leaves curl and stunts your plants growth) next year you should try and get something for them tomato plants like a mesh net or something . peace:joint:
sweet, i was wondering what happened to you...garden looks like it did really well, congrats :mrgreen:

about your tomatoes tho, looks like they got affected by the leaf hopper pests (makes the leaves curl and stunts your plants growth) next year you should try and get something for them tomato plants like a mesh net or something . peace:joint:

Yeah, its doing pretty well....a few things died tho.

My cukes died, and the birds picked off all jalapenos
and great northern beans.

I didn't really know what was going on with my tomato
plant. It was withering and yellowing really bad, but then

I took out a weak tomato plant that wasn't growing and
the other one started to get better.
I think I had them planted too close. :-|

I dunno what leaf hoppers are.

But I have a bug problem on the corn and zucchini.
Fucking thrips, ants, and beatles.

I need to get something that will kill those fuckers

Thanks for the comment!