purple marijuana


Well-Known Member
i was looking at a post and someone said you can get purple marijuana from letting it get cold doesent sound right but what do i know.:roll:


I hate to dig this post back up, but then again not really =)
I was wondering about this. I have only heard of this too, that you can make it by it getting cold..
But I think some strains do naturally for sure as well..well I know this one strain I have been smoking from a local dispensary does, because after so long the plant turns purple hehe..

Has anyone else heard of this though?

I was also wondering what the possible benefits other than obvious appeal, there might be in it..
I was wondering if it could cause it to better absorb some of the light available in an HPS lamp =P
Also if it's a darker color overall it's capable of absorbing more light possibly right? :P

Just some food for thought I always like that kinda shit.

Please reply w/ any thoughts on any of this =)


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is true. Colder temps, less than 65F during the later stages of flowering can increase the likelihood of the leaves changing to purple or blue, but it has to be in the plants genetics too to some point. Not every strain will do it, just because it is subjected to cold. There is no benefit other than bag appeal to an unknowing buyer. Cold temps can however help in trichome production, but there is a point of detrimental returns, where you go to cold and hinder production.


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to do this to what may be a nice strain.Letting temps flux can also turn a plant into a hermi my advice would be if you want a couloured strain buy one purple haze or blueberry from dutch passion has a little couour.If i had to have any couloured strain it would be blueberry purple haze aint got the strenth to do it for me.


Well-Known Member
look at this red diesl...in the flower tent the diesl on the right loverly purp ( lsd on left).. the 2 plant pic = left lsd, right red diesl, just plucked :weed: temp down to 55 at night, oozing triches..mmmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
I've read that if you set the temperature so that it is colder during the light hours, than the dark hours, that it will turn your leaves purple. I can't remember where I read that, it was some article about growers in Thailand or somewhere like that. Sounded really believeable, so i wonder if it works. Hmm....


Active Member
i wouldnt do that. shock your plant to turn purple??? Enjoy the buds how they are supposed to be. If you want purple order the purps from bc bud depot