Purple Maxx


Well-Known Member
hey smokey... blue dragon? thats the strain made by "the rev" right?? i've been looking for it..do u no were to come across it??...peace..meangreen69


Active Member
bump let keep this alive anybody else
Nice looking buds oldman... Dankalicious! I haven't used Purple Maxx yet... I just ordered a bottle online to try. I'm just starting week 6 and should have my PM by tomorrow. Do you foliar feed with PM or water it in and what rates have worked for you? I also ordered Gravity. I've done lots of searching the forums and I think I'll wait to use Gravity until I'm going into week 8 for the flush... I'm just looking for a little added stress to really amber things up and it sounds like between the light regiment and the Gravity the girls will firm up and should freak out a bit and slather on the goo to deal with their anguish...



Active Member
purple maxx not a waste when i first started to grow i spend all of money on nute and decide to c wat really work and purple maxx really work my plant havent turned purple because i cant frigure how to get cooler temp and no i dont foilar feed i fush wit it i add it in till my ppm was 400 i flush for twodays then add nute my plants have became more sugary


Active Member
it worth it jus use it light i flush with it and my ppm was at 400 for two day try for if you want but i wanned to put plant back on bloom nute


Well-Known Member
i have been thinking about picking up a bottle of this stuff. have anybody used it in conjunction with the BMO line? my last run with BMO was great but i was somewhat disappointed by the lack of crystals.