Purple Power Hydro Setup Plant Concerns


Active Member
These seeds were given to me by a friend. Pack call Purple Power? Im very unfamiliar with the strand and this is the first grow!!!

These pictures are day 19 of 5 seedlings in a Ebb n Flow 25 gal. Res setup. 400 MH set above

Question 1: Im around 2 feet above these guys? Is that way too high?

We are running Flora Nova Grow at 600ppm. We just changed from 5 flushings a day to 4, in fear of some overwatering ( leaves were turning up). Room temperature stays around 75-77.

Question 2: Is it time to up the nutes? Next bottle directions say 1200ppm. Is it time?

For 19 days in veg they are only 8-12 inches. Feel like im stunting growth somehow or its my waying patience lol. Guys any comments or suggestions are much appreciated. I need the criticism now more than ever if Im ever gonna get this down. All thoughts can be verbalized!

Pic of the setup:


Pic of leaves turning up ( Is this overwatering?)


There is also a small yellow spot on one of the leaves. 3 of the 5 plants seem to be smaller, more bushy and a bit droopier, where as 2 are taller and much more spaced out. This is all the info I know to give. If you need more feel free to ask. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Hi There,

First I would like to say you got a hell of a strain for you first grow.
Purple Power Plant is Pure power plant just the purple variety Its awesome,
you will be very pleased with the outcome.

I looked it up in a copy of the grower bible and got this for ya.

At least this gives you a starting point.

Good luck.



Active Member
Hmm know more about this strand? Sounds interesting. Also, im thinking its either the toxic salt buildup ( need to flush for a day right?) We are changing the whole res on the 11th. Should I just use ph balanced water until then to free up any salts? The room is staying at a very cool 74-75, so hopefully not a heat stress problem.

Concensus is a days watering with just plain water?


Well-Known Member
Well from what I read the plants are not able to dissipate moisture.
Maybe it isnt in the feeding. What is the humidity like? Do you have fresh air flow?

I would make sure humidity was lower than 40% and I got fresh air to them.
Then I would lower the lights to about 18 inches and not feed them for 24 hours.

After that If they are in rockwool cubes I would water the top of the cube once (to flush) wait 2 days so the cube can dry out. After that make sure the cube only got wet on the bottom, like 1/2 inch up and do it with distilled PH 5.7 water once a day until you change res.

I have had great success with Flora nutes there 3 part formula Gro micro bloom, as well as flora nova. Nova is tough to mix but hard to beat using the Floralicious additive with it.

This grow I am using flora Nova and Floralicious in veg and Foxfarms big bud and tiger bloom with budswell in flower.


Active Member
Im glad someone believes in Flora Nova..ive heard some mixed things about it because its so concentrated. I dont have anything to measure my humidity. Got any cost effective ideas? We are using volcanic rock pebbles as a media. They are still in the starter plugs. We never used rockwool.

We have a small fan blowing on the tops of the plants and the door stays open. Should i just put another fan in the room for more air flow?

So you think no feeding for 24 hours and untill the 11th (full res change and then 1200ppm nutes) just use 5.7 ph water?


Well-Known Member
Heres a tip I learned a while back before I bought all the meters. When it comes to temp and humidity, If its comfortable to you, it comfortable to the plant. If you can feel the humidity in the air, its too high.

Same thing goes for air flow, fresh air from outside or stagnate air from inside. Both will work but fresh air will work better.

When it comes to fans, you need two types, One to circulate the air and one to exchange air in the room. When plants are small the only benefit of a fan it that it strengthens the stock. there is plenty of fresh air for them. As plants get larger they require more co2, you get that from fresh air.

A fan pointed direct at a plant for a long time will dry out the plant so you want a oscillating fan for circulation, One intake and one exhaust. For now I would take the fan you have and blow fresh air into the room. Point it above the plants so the co2 in the air will drop on them.

If you do have a salt build up then flushing for a couple days will free it up. Its kinda a trial and error thing but flushing for a few days certainly wont hurt.

I have never used lava as for a medium however a friend of mine has and it worked fine. Most new growers use rockwool cubes and over water. Your doing fine. When it comes to medium its all about evaporation. How long does it take? You can grow in anything as long as you provide fresh water, nutes, light and air.


Active Member
Wow man extremely helpful stuff. Ive had that small fan on the plants without moving since week 1. I will have to fix that. Picked up a hygrometer today...what do you know...broke before i opened it. Thanks Target! But its very cool and comfortable in the room for sure.

Lets say i pick up 2 oscillating fans. One for above the plants and one at the stalks? Or maybe in front of the door?

We changed the res today. Pure ph balanced water for the next couple days. Still going 4 times a day.

For the evaporation question, are you asking when the rocks are dry? I feel the starter plugs right before watering and they are a little moist on the bottom half. The rocks are all dry.

Cruzer i looked at your led/waterfarm grow and that was amazing...so inciteful. You seem to know your hydro veryyyy well. Im a noobie so hopefully ill catch on quick. Keep the good advice coming and if you dont mind...ill definitly keep you updated.


Well-Known Member
That’s perfect; plants do better when the upper root system gets plenty of air.

Thanks for the complement but I’m a noob myself. I only have a few grow under my belt.
I guess I learn fast and just thought I would pass it along. Maybe you will do the same.

Well I hope you do keep me updated. I am considering PPP for a grow and would like to see how yours turn out.